Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarted Sandbox Space Flight Sim)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Really excited about this, played the heck out of the originals back on the Amiga. For those that never played it, it's a space sim with an effectively unlimited open world. You could do trading, missions, be a pirate, land on planets, buy/upgrade ships, mining, visit 100,000,000,000 different star systems and this was back in 1993 on a 1 megabyte Amiga. Could be great if they're developing it with that same vision and today's technology. There will be multiplayer but it's not an MMO.

Q&A with David Braben (developer of the originals and the new title) on reddit:http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comment...te_creator_of/

Basic overview

Alpha gameplay footage



Is this the same Elite KS we've been hearing of on the old forums or are there more than one going on?
It's the same. After the first week or so they actually put some content on the page though which is why it would seem quite a lot different. I still think they fucked up launching with nothing but a bit of text about what their intentions were, they lost out on the initial rush and probably quite a few got turned off by that initial kickstarter page which seemed downright amateurish - and not in a good indie kind of way.

The kickstarter period for it was 60 days which probably is also why it might seem like it could be something else now.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Never heard of the original game but I've been bitching about there not being enough open world flight sim games out there. Just put in $65, enough to get my name in the random name generator (lol).

Seems weird that it's so close to being funded, I wonder what will happen if it doesn't make it. Seems like with this kind of game you could make a trimmed down version for $100,000 pretty easily.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
After finding the tracking page it looks like this is a done deal.



Never heard of the original game but I've been bitching about there not being enough open world flight sim games out there. Just put in $65, enough to get my name in the random name generator (lol).

Seems weird that it's so close to being funded, I wonder what will happen if it doesn't make it. Seems like with this kind of game you could make a trimmed down version for $100,000 pretty easily.
This $2M goal seems completely ridiculous to me. The feature list on the KS page did not seem to show much more than what the originals had. The gfx and physics engines can probably consume any amount of money ever I guess.

Hope this reaches the goal though.


Never heard of the original game but I've been bitching about there not being enough open world flight sim games out there. Just put in $65, enough to get my name in the random name generator (lol).
It was *the* space game back in the day. I'm not too surprised that it probably will end up getting funded, there are a fuckton of fans of the original who've been waiting for a new Elite. If they had gotten on kickstarter before Star Citizen and/or they hadn't made such a pathetic initial kickstarter page (seriously, there were no videos, screenshots or concept art of any kind at all) I don't think it would even be a close call, despite Braben wanting 2 million dollars.


It was *the* space game back in the day.
Completely and utterly this. At least if you are a Brit anyway

This kickstarter got mentions on the BBC news site front page both at launch, close to the end and again at the end. Anyone above 35-ish in the UK and a long time games player will know Elite from the 8 bit days. It was released on pretty much every 8 bit home computer platform over here and sold zillions despite a very high price point to most of the market. Then again you got a novella, a thick instruction manual and a ship identification poster in a beefy big box.

In-game you got 8 galaxies, each with 256 unique planets with their own description, tech level and selection of trading items. They managed to do all that including flying around space in a 3d engine in as little as 32k of ram in the Acorn etc.

As Krag said though, Braben appeared to think it was a done deal and the initial page was fucking awful. After an avalanche of initial money it dried up very quickly and he had to put up some real info etc to convince people, presumably the Outsider debacle had put a lot of people off.

Now to hope the years of doing shitey 3d rollercoaster or kinect games haven't ruined him completely.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Having not played Eve nor Elite (Besides a few minutes yesterday where I could only play long enough to realize I needed a joystick) what does Elite:Dangerous have that Eve doesn't?

From what I can see Elite has a more twitchy combat system and fewer options that require complex menus to click through but I don't know if that becomes obsolete at the high level.


Molten Core Raider
The big difference is that in Eve online you're the commander not the pilot. You tell your ship where to go and it goes there, you don't pilot it there.


Having not played Eve nor Elite (Besides a few minutes yesterday where I could only play long enough to realize I needed a joystick) what does Elite
angerous have that Eve doesn't?

From what I can see Elite has a more twitchy combat system and fewer options that require complex menus to click through but I don't know if that becomes obsolete at the high level.
Combat in original Elite was solo dogfight style with you as the pilot - rather like a fighter pilot sim. The game was a complete sandbox with no missions, basically you were trading and bounty hunting and doing a spot of smuggling and piracy. You could skim stars for fuel once you had fuel scoops, get intercepted in hyperspace and dumped into witchspace by Thargoids, and catch a mystery ship that dropped a cloaking device. If you destroyed a legal ship or had illegal goods on board you'd end up running into police, if you killed pirates you got a bounty.

In Frontier (Elite II) you could buy larger ships and use multiple turrets but the attempt to stick to Newtonian physics made combat suck a bit. You'd end up slingshotting a lot. The galaxy was ridiculously large and you could land on planets and mine, there were mission terminals for factions and you could explore for a long, long time.

Original Elite was like 1985 and Frontier early 90s or so, so I guess comparing either Eve will leave them looking quite lightweight. I think they would probably be closer to the X-Universe games than Eve really - the combat probably more like Wing Commander / Freelancer. They were both way ahead of their time though.

I'm intrigued to see what they end up with now, for me it's more nostalgia driving it than any real belief it will be awesome. I'm expecting more quirky cult game than polished AAA title and I'm not sure how the multiplayer mechanics will work... whether the universe is persistent or not and that kind of thing.



Blackwing Lair Raider
Never heard of this game. Is this the cheeky British version of star control?


[-]MichaelBrookes 6 points 4 days ago

Yes planets will look different with their own surfaces and atmospheres, but you won't be able to enter the atmosphere, only skim the surface, for the initial release at any rate.
Fuck him.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Kickstarter ended yesterday, they've raised raised ?1,578,316 ($ 2,565,236 USD) so that includes all the stretch goals.

Article on Forbes:http://www.forbes.com/sites/carolpin...sfully-funded/

'Elite: Dangerous' Sets the Record for Highest Kickstarter Goal to Be Successfully Funded

If you?ve come from the 1980s, congratulations, you?re old. If you haven?t seen the 1980s yet can access a time travel machine, you may want to hone in on 1984 to play Elite. It was a remarkable game at the time, and with an upgradeable ship and an explorable universe full of trading and combat (albeit in monochrome wireframe 3D), it?s the granddaddy of games like EVE Online?as well as every other space sim. And thanks to a successful Kickstarter project, we?re getting a sequel.

David Braben, founder of Frontier Developments, who co-created the original game, asked backers for a jaw-dropping sum of ?1.25 million ($2.03 million) and recently received it. Although this isn?t the most highly funded Kickstarter project?that would be the $10 million+ raised by Pebble smartwatch?according to a spokesperson for Kickstarter this is the project with the highest goal and that successfully raised its goal. A number of projects have requested more money (one asked for $3.5 million), however none of those were successfully funded.

When I saw that Frontier Developments had asked for $2 million, my first reaction was, ?What the what?? But after my initial shock, I realized it makes sense. This is not a $10,000 startup project. Braben has a track record in the games industry, with Frontier Developments producing titles like Kinect Disneyland Adventures. Braben wants to make a 21st century sequel to Elite that is worthy of the name: a high quality production with the resources and people that a game of that ambition requires behind it.

Braben wrote on the Kickstarter page,

?Elite: Dangerous is the game I have wanted Frontier to make for a very long time. The next game in the Elite series ? an amazing space epic with stunning visuals, incredible gameplay and breath-taking scope, but this time you can play with your friends too. I want a game that feels more like the original ?Elite? to fly, and with more rapid travel (to allow for the multi-player nature of the game) ? so you travel quickly using local ?hyperspace? travel rather than by fast-forwarding time ? but with the rich galaxy of Frontier ? and more, so much more.

I?ll be frank ? we have had a couple of false starts on this over the years, where progress wasn?t as good as I wanted. Also, understandably, other projects have been prioritised ? projects with announced dates or other commitments. Up to now ?Elite? has been worked upon by a small team as a ?skunk-works? activity in the background as availability permits. Nevertheless, we have been preparing; laying the technology and design foundations for when the time is right. And that time is now.?

With less than two days to go, Elite: Dangerous has set a new stretch goal as the time counts down to the end of the funding period: If funding reaches ?1.4 million Frontier will release a version for the Mac; after ?1.5 million, Frontier will add ten more playable ships. (The only playable vessel in the original Elite was the Cobra MkIII. While you could upgrade lasers and expand your cargo bay, you couldn?t change your ship.)

But no matter what happens, space sim fans can get their engines started.

Trivia note: For those curious about the name of the sequel, veterans will know that ?Dangerous? is the sixth rating of pilot ability. Players had to rise through the ranks from Harmless, Mostly Harmless, Poor, Average, Competent, Dangerous, Deadly, and ultimately Elite.