This must be a girl thing. My girlfriend in high school did the same thing on the couch at home, though I think her sister was only a year younger.When I first started dating my wife (17 yrs old) she was still living with her parents and we were laying on the couch in a spooning position watching a movie, her 15yr old younger sister comes down stairs and sits in the chair next to us and just starts talking to us. We are under a blanket and I can feel my wife pulling her pants down so I wiggle mine down and she begins to fuck me all while sitting there talking to her sister. Was the weirdest sex thing my wife has ever done in the 20 yrs since. I think she was marking her territory lol
This is really common for guys in their first group sex experience.Most embarrassing for me would probably be having a foursome and not being able to keep it up for more than 5 minutes at a time. Had to keep taking breaks to get back in the mood.
I was more referring to grabbing the tampon string and pulling it out of her twat myself.Really? Having sex with a girl on her period is embarrassing or odd?
That's pretty awesome.Picked up a girl at a party when i was 19, she was late 20s, thought i had hit gold. We leave and decide the 45m drive back to her place was too long and hitup the first hotel on the first exit. It's 3am and the clerk behind the counter knew what was up but was too tired to care. Gave us the last room on an empty hall and he got a good tip for the effort. I didn't find out until later but she had been through a nasty divorce a couple months earlier and i was the first hookup since. Sex starved might be the word to use because we proceed to fuck all night long and into the morning. On the bed, on the armchair, in the shower, up against the wall, over the dresser, you name it. When i can't keep it up she pulls a vibrator out of her purse and tells me to fuck her with it until i can get hard again. I've never had marathon sex like that since, sadly. It was glorious.
Late the next morning, it's a Sunday, and our room was at the end of the hall sharing a wall with a community room that had apparently been rented out for brunch to an extended family of black baptists. I turn on the tv to try and be polite as the walls are pretty thin. At this point i think shes trying to pick a fight. She starts in with the dirty talk, which would have been pretty hot would it not have been that she was being purposefully loud. I'm young and not about to stop, even when we start hearing angry voices on the other side of the wall. "Is that what i think it is? Get the kids out. Do something" etc, etc. Which then proceeds into the a couple of angry thuds on the wall. I turn the volume up on the tv. She turns her volume up even more. The banging is now on our door along with shouts "We know you're in there, cut that shit out now" and threats of calling the manager. At this point i'm getting nervous and think okay this has been great, time to check out. But nooo, she has other ideas. Like opening the door while still naked and screaming hysterically at them to leave us alone, then slamming the door shut, and jumping back on me moaning dramatically. The thuds turn into 2 angry black men pretending our door is a speed bag with a 3rd man and i guess a grandmother in the hall shouting to come out right this instant. She calls the manager, starts sobbing on the phone about how she feels threatened, and to get security down here right away. 10 minutes of fake moans, door beating, wall banging, angry black voices, and her shouting back to leave us alone, the security guards show up and evict the whole family from the building. During this time she is dead silent and you can hear a scuffle out in the hall as i can only surmise is at least one person is forcibly dragged out of the hotel.
She doesnt say a word, tosses me my clothes, puts hers on, and we go to check out. She drops me off at my car, having not said a word since screaming at that family through the door, kisses me and says it was wonderful, and drives off.
Ice burn .I can't remember anything too gross... of course that's relative and bodily excretion don't phase me at all so I've p probably has some stanknasty sex for some tastes. But the most odd and awkward was a female friend who I knew had a crush on me. Really smart girl, nice, not fat, not ugly, all her own teeth, both legs, etc, but she looked like my mother. So over the course of about a month or so, after having known each other for a year, she decided to make her move. And my dumb ass who wasn't paying attention found himself being obviously seduced one night. And then to compound my mistake I decided to soldier through... maybe it was just sex that she wanted, right?
I couldn't get it up. The only time in my life I have been physically unable to will myself at least half a stiffy. Jesus it was just humiliating and awful for the both of us.
And it was entirely my own fault. Can't blame drugs, can't blame liquor, can't blame her... It was just a string of inattention and bad decisions. A man can reject a woman in a way more final, brutal, and cruel than they can reciprocate. I still fuckin feel bad about how bare an insult that was.
FYI, you know all handcuff keys are the same right? There's no reason not to have a couple of your own. They cost something like a dollar each.I've never used handcuffs in the bedroom since.
I did that, and the reactions were the same. I laughed my ass off, she was mortified.I was banging a new girl for one of the first few times and she was on top riding me well and good. After we were done she gets off and the rough sex triggered her period and she BLED ALL OVER me and my bed. It was a lot, she was a heavy bleeder. It was like when you change the oil in your car and let all the oil drain out, except I was the oil pan and the oil is stinky period blood.
She was mortified, but I burst out laughing because I thought it was hilarious and wasn't really grossed out at the time. Ruined my bed though. Had to flip that bitch over for the rest of the year.
When I first started dating my soon to be wife, and my friends sister. We had invited him out to go eat with us but while waiting on him to get to her place we decided to get a quick 1 in. We were still using condoms at this point. Well we finished up I tossed the used love glove in the bedroom trash she went down stairs to fix her hair and what not. In the mean time her brother shows up. We're hanging out in the kitchen bullshiting and then the dog comes running in the room. It's a small dog around 7 pounds. She is shaking her head all around. My woman's brother is like she is choking and grabs her up and goes to pull the offending object from her mouth when we both almost at the same time realize what it is. all I could say was you don't want to grab that as I pulled the dog from his hands and headed towards the bathroom, pulling my used and now freshly chewed condom out of the dogs throat, by the end still hanging out of her mouth. He and I never mentioned it that night to my woman we just stayed silent and went for food. The next say I told her as I rolled around in laughter she just stared and looked mortified, saying I can't believe that you guys didn't say anything last night.Not me, but my brother back in high school. He was banging his girlfriend at her house while her parents were gone. They get done, he throws the condom in the garbage can, then her German Shepherd runs to the garbage can and eats the condom. Next day when she was walking the dog, the condom came out, but not all the way. She had to pull it out of the dogs ass and hide it so her dad wouldn't find it.![]()