So much this. Free Szlia!How the fuck does wanting to watch Sloan make you gay? If so, I'm gay as hell.
While looking amazing doing it. Kirun confirmed never saw an episode with her in it (unlikely if he ever watched the show?) or gay.Also that's what she mostly did on Entourage: Getting phone calls while going about her day.
You know it'll end up being exactly as you fear though. I agree completely though. Give us a 5 minutes setup of E and Vince getting divorced or something and then have the whole movie be a Sasha Grey porn scene or something.If they don't take themselves too seriously and try to establish some plot where the gang gets mad at each other only to have it resolved in the end in a "happily ever after" plot I think the movie could work. Seriously, just have them do stupid shit for two hours without any real 'objective' to overcome and people will like it, except the dumbest moviegoer who needs a script to be "buildup > resolution".
Really, give me 2 hours of them partying, crashing and being general assholes while Ari calls them every nuance of cunt he can think of and I'll be happy