Just saw this. Really enjoyed it. It felt exactly like watching 3-4 episodes back to back. Entirely predictable (everything works out for everyone.) Lots of tits.
So I saw this tonight. I really liked 90% of if. The movie was very entertaining. Very "Entourage". Characters are still doing the shit that made them great.
The only real complaint I had was how abruptly it ended. Like all of the sudden, BAM! The end. Be sure to wait for mid-credit scene.
A movie that certainly did not need to be made. I only saw it because one of my friends was an extra in it. There are like 20 pairs of boobs in it, but none of them excessively memorable and Emily Ratjkowksi kept hers off screen which unfortunately helped focus on how her face is just moderately attractive.
The movie is 100 minutes of fan service. If you loved Entourage, you'll likely enjoy this. If you didn't, there's nothing for you. Go see it with mates and then go out drinking.