I think if the Epic store situation has taught me anything, it's just how much I took Steam's features for granted. I barely paid any of it a second thought and did more bitching about the faults than I did appreciating the positives. I didn't care about Origin or Uplay because they were publisher specific platforms, and Humble/GMG just sold Steam keys anyway, but now that a platform is trying to be a universal platform completely separate from Steam (Like GoG but without the DRM approach) the differences are night and day.
I really feel everyone in this thread is glossing over some massive shit here. Let's take a look see!
- We (people on this forum/PC gamers in general) are invested in Steam because it has been the only game in town for so long that we have potentially hundreds of titles and thousands of dollars invested into our libraries. Steam is nearly 20 years old. Just ponder that a second.
- PC Gamers of the younger generation have no such connection. They'll adopt a new platform and not give a shit.
- Epic had no way of predicting that Fortnite BR would become the force of nature that it is. Their pet project taking the world by storm and pulling $3BN in a single year while being completely F2P... yeah nobody saw that shit coming.
- Epic is being productive and understanding that they won't be king shit forever. Might as well use the momentum to move into the very lucrative distribution platform like Steam.
- Yes they are behind in features compared to steam. For all intents and purposes they jumped gun too early OR they are just testing the water.
- Fortnite, hate it or love it, is exactly how you want a game developer to act. They constantly introduce new shit, try radical things (live concert the fuck?) and keep it fresh.
- Bet your ass they will be operating the same way to get their Launcher up to par.
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