The third eq expansion (Luclin) introduced AA or alternate abilities, basically you could continue exping at max level to get additional abilities, some activated and some passive bonuses. IMO the first set of these were pretty good, they took a while to grind (less than a regular high level but still time consuming) but the devs put a good amount of thought into them, especially the class specific ones so you actually felt a significant increase in character power as you accumulated them. the expansion after that continued the trend (planes of power) but after that things really went downhill and they got lazy and 90% of the new AA's were just a higher rank (+gooder whatever stat) or in some cases homogenizing the classes. I think now a days almost every class can FD, gate, summon pets, crit, etc etc. I think the two schools of thought on when eq went to shit was either before AA's, (most classic servers stop at velious, just before AAs) or after the first 2 AA sets, ending with planes of power, like eqmac. I don't think I've ever heard a tank say they cant wait to spend hours grinding from combat agility/stability rank 38 to rank 44 or whatever the fuck silly shit it is now.