I mained a rogue on test for awhile, my favorite tri-box for him has to be bard, shaman, rogue.
Rogues are a class that really need to be the one your paying attention to the most. Tanks have pretty much the same problem, if you are not focused on them they really aren't anywhere near their full potential.
Shaman and bard buffs really makes rogues shred and I would say its my favorite box for raw exp grinds. May have troubles with harder content because of merc tank, but i feel its a good trade off.
Rogues are a class that really need to be the one your paying attention to the most. Tanks have pretty much the same problem, if you are not focused on them they really aren't anywhere near their full potential.
Shaman and bard buffs really makes rogues shred and I would say its my favorite box for raw exp grinds. May have troubles with harder content because of merc tank, but i feel its a good trade off.