You probably have some loyalty points. Buy bags of plat then copy away! or do tables for a day or so then copy. Blowing through 100k is funny, bunch of stuff you probably didn't need at all.So...multiboxing a Mage and Shaman on test is fun, but is my only option for true full screen mode on dual monitors limited to paying a subscription for WinEQ2?
Also, someone give me plats plz. I blew through the 100k Dalnoth generously provided on mounts, defiant and spellsThe necro main I retired back on Rathe (Yes, Rathe) had like 20 plat to his name so he isn't very good fodder for server transferring over to test.![]()
Burst of Power is highly regarded for a DPS upgrade on steel warriors. I think they over estimate it but you should still grab it eventually.As an 85 warrior, will maxing out burst of power and enhanced aggression add much dps? finished all my passive defensive stuff for my level and going to knock out a few hundred AAs on utility stuff and whatever else i need. Wondering if i should bother with those two though.
Make a new character on your live server, transfer that character to test every 7 hours or whatever the limit is. Each time you copy that character it overwrites the old one. So copy that character, get the pp off of it to your main on test. Rinse and repeat till you get enough plat.So how do you get plat from live to test besides buying plat? I've got 8k on live, but its not doing me much good on test atm, since it copied once and thats it.
If you want to be able to see both screens all the time then yes, you either need dual monitors or enough screen real estate to spread out the windows however makes you happy. Paid sub to WinEQ2 will allow you to tile as well.So...multiboxing a Mage and Shaman on test is fun, but is my only option for true full screen mode on dual monitors limited to paying a subscription for WinEQ2?