Been meaning to reply to this. Don't know how much you know about boxing Kreugen, but I'll throw a couple of ideas out there that may be of use to you or someone else.
Boxing used to be largely one PC per account with maybe a key broadcaster. Autohotkey was/is popular, basically a hotkey/macro scripting system.
Personally I'd recommend ISBoxer/Inner space :'s very easy to get setup with an in built wizard. You can run as many clients as you want on one or multiple monitors, instantly switching between clients in the main window (pic is one monitor split into regions by ISBoxer) :
As you click on each client to the right of the screen it becomes the client in the main screen on the left. The ISBoxer set up wizard is pretty thorough - you can designate the size and placement of each client window - with numerous default options as above or you can customize - and it's easy to set up which keys broadcast to all/selective clients.
Macros in EQ1 have changed a little over the years - decent guide on allak :
In the screenshot above I'm running four characters in a party with two Mercs and one character outside the party. They don't need to be in the party for broadcasts to work, obviously. For raiding I use the same as above and a couple of Clerics on a second monitor, same PC, which is just as easy to set up.
On character Flighte I pull and assist off of. Merc is set to tank (party leader assigns roles by right click on char name in party window). Make sure you have your puller defined or mercs will run outside camp to meet mobs way out far.
Flighte presses attack on button one once mob is in camp (tank merc will only engage if whole party is close enough/on aggregate) - '1' is broadcast to all other clients triggering any abilities or macros in that slot. Following ideas are macros for Shaman/Mage/Enchanter (pause does not delay the commands on the line it is on, but adds a delay after the line it is on is initiated, number is 1/10s of a second) :
/pause 5, /target Flighte
/pause5, /assist
/pause 5, /pet attack
/pause45, /cast 1
/cast 2
If you put this macro in hot key '1' as Flighte presses 'melee attack' in hot key one the '1' is broadcast across clients by ISBoxer. Above macro immediately targets Flighte, assists after 5/10 of a sec, commands pet to attack then casts spell gem 1 after a further 5/10 of a sec then fires spell gem 2 4.5 seconds later.
Using a similar macro across hot key '1' on all clients mob is tashed/malo'ed/slowed/crippled/debuffs/DoT's applied within a few seconds of entering camp, all by pressing one button on the character driving your set up.
You can make a single hot key for spamming DD's and a separate one for DoTs. Put dd spels in order of priority and make the pause on each line shorter than the casting time of the spell (eg pause 5) - if spell is available it will cast it, if it's on cooldown it will pause 5/10sec then fire spell on next line etc. You can use AAs with following syntax : /alt activate #### (see list of abilities linked below)
Random links/advice :
ISBoxer :
ISBoxer forums :
Boxing community forums :
Basic Bard guide :
List of AA/abilities defining numbers to use for them in macros :
You'll need a snare at some point, Troll Shaman are a good plan : can now be cast from inventory)
Presume you know about Fellowships ? Three members of a fellowship create a campfire anywhere which lasts a few hours (6ish ??) any time that any member of the fellowship can port to once every 15 minutes, great for wipes or just getting around :
Be aware of an issue with eqgame.exe 'patchme' (may have to point ISBoxer at launcher for each client instead) :
Seems to be to do with upgrading to latest expansion. If you have to point at launcher to log in get all clients to server select screen before you login to character select screen or it screws with ISBoxer.
If you have individual clients crash be aware you can relaunch individual clients from your box set up by right clicking on the character set listed in ISBoxer app.
Audio triggers have been around since about '05 and are great for boxing :
If you go with a Bard and use it for pulling be aware of how much DPS you lose when your /melody gets interrupted, until you build up Persistent Casting and stun reduction. Time your Fade and use it as mob is getting to camp so your songs don't get interrupted. Also if you are looting using Bard as a song ends it will stop /melody so use a different character to loot.
Anyone looking at using a Mage pet to tank be aware Devs are finally looking at nerfing this (may or may not affect group mobs).
NOT FINISHED - editing to come