Silver Knight of the Realm
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HAH! I need to breed me some farming slave childrenand yet we have people as young as 17 that weren't even bred by their parents to farm plat for them as a child.
HAH! I need to breed me some farming slave childrenand yet we have people as young as 17 that weren't even bred by their parents to farm plat for them as a child.
I'm pretty sure I was 19 when I formed TF on Vulak.I find it amazing how many of these EoE people weren't far from sperm when I started playing EQ. I thought only 30 something potheads played EQ, and yet we have people as young as 17 that weren't even bred by their parents to farm plat for them as a child.
I happened across this thread while browsing for a new or old game to play, and it gave me the itch to re-install. It's definitely not the game I remember when I quit around LoY, but logging in still gave me the same thoughts I had some 13 or 14 years ago. Roddo is definitely right, this was the only game where I feel you've needed some actual skill and cooperation in order to be successful. So thanks to all for the thread and sucking me back in. I'm a lowbie on Test now named Dinvardare if anyone happens across me, say hello.This isn't the EQ I quit 8 years ago thats for sure. I like it, and i realize the learning curve is going to be alot steeper than WoW or diablo3 or any of the many xbox games I've played in that time. But i like that, theres more to this game than just spending time pugging everything your gear level says you can, and thinking your good because you won some loot. This game always took a hell of a lot more skill to play, and I'm really enjoying that fact when I get into a situation where i can't just sit back and watch my mercs steamroll shit. almost all content in wow is instanced where if you die its just run back and start over. theres never been such a thing as a naked corpse run through fear hoping invis doesn't drop, or being bound in halas when your hunting in kunark etc. I'll always remember the first time i wandered out into west karana at like level 10, and lost all my shit. or entering the qeynos sewers at level 6 and doing the same thing. It sucked, but it created memories, and made the game epic.
I two-boxed Kaesora Library with my 85 Bard when leveling a ranger.Probably going to move my three box out of Paw pretty soon. Any suggestions for dungeon crawling at 81?
Oh indeed. I was so surprised when I sat down and actually gave this new EQ a try just how much I liked it. It took me an hour or so to get everything that I needed to know at the time in my noggin', the sort of new UI all organized (I still really miss the old hot button bars, these horizontal bars still feel weird to me), and on my way to becoming a bad ass ranger. I haven't had tons of time to play recently, but that's about to change after this weekend. It's not what I remember from back in the day, and it doesn't even really compare to playing on a emu like Shards of Dalaya. It's a very different game now compared to when I left to play WoW and Winters Roar just after GoD released...but that's okay, because who wants to play the same game anyways, right?I happened across this thread while browsing for a new or old game to play, and it gave me the itch to re-install. It's definitely not the game I remember when I quit around LoY, but logging in still gave me the same thoughts I had some 13 or 14 years ago. Roddo is definitely right, this was the only game where I feel you've needed some actual skill and cooperation in order to be successful. So thanks to all for the thread and sucking me back in. I'm a lowbie on Test now named Venhom if anyone happens across me, say hello.
It's like a 24-48 hour spawn timer iirc. In TFO we never had trouble finding him up during Velious.Well, I just hit one of those old school bugs. I was trying to do the old Coldain Shawl quest in preparation for the new aug, and on the final quest you're supposed to be able to spawn Dain Frostreaver IV by turning in your shawl so you can progress the quest with him. This part bugged out and Dain didn't spawn, and it gave me the depleted version of the shawl back, the one that can't be used to spawn the Dain again. So now I'm forever unable to complete this quest unless I catch him up naturally, and with a 1 week spawn time and anyone in the game being able to kill him in 15 seconds, that'll pretty much never happen.