EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
4 equipment slots at 600 hps =2400 hps gained. About a 2.4% hp gain on a level 100 merc. That ain't good, not good at all.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I have an itemization question regarding mod 3's. As I have been trying to get a few levels and aa's, I have been looking at trying to prioritize things I need to work on that will help me xp faster (+mana regen, rank 2 cantrips for increased dps etc.). One of the things I was looking at is the mod 3 augs to increase spell damage. My problem is that after looking over all of my gear, I currently only have 2 items with slot 3s. (shield and neck item I believe). After looking (very briefly) at VoA and RoF group gear, I noticed that on the rof robe that there was a spell effect which looked kinda like a mod 3 built in. Is that typical, or do most of the mod 3 slots come from non visibles? I was thinking about saving my current ones for Hazarak and maybe Piqa (although mortification may be good too with kiting in beasts domain) I just am not sure what other gear would be something I should look for with more mod 3 slots.

I was wondering what you guys would suggest. I have been LFG in valley quite a bit lately (since it is a current hot zone) to little effect once my dailies are done. Is RoF a better bet since I might hear of any rot items for group gear? Im currently still mainly tier 2ish HoT geared. One good thing is that I had completely forgot about loyalty tokens, so now at least have a little plat from bags and what came of some gem farming recently. (so up to around 200k or a little more and about 4k in tokens still).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
What level are you? While I'm new to the last 3 expansions myself, there should be decent gear in your Bazaar - someone told me of the Fear Touched gear at 92 (t1 group RoF visible set) - the templates are droppable so I've seen some of those in the bazaar. 2100-2200 HEM stuff. Doesn't have slot 3 augs, but /shrug. Good question though. where DOES the slot 3 aug gear come from?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Ah! Now that you mention it, I recall that with the HoT expansion, where they did the same thing. Thanks!


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Level 92 is the sweet spot for gear and exp. You can get a few levels just by doing the partisan/other quests in shards and EW and everwhere. All those named mobs in shards+ drop armor templates and a item, the rarer of which are the type 3 slotted. The template vis gear will always be slot 7 and 13 for purity augs (one nice one drops in chapterhouse then buy the rest at the dream delver dude in f2).

Slot 3 augs can only be removed with the perfect destiller thing on the loyality vendor so don't be silly with spell choices if gear doesn't fall from the sky. Go back to my necro burn post and buy any of those type 3 augs. So like doom etc for the lower levels. Dont waste it on piqa but mort might be good if you level a little slower since dot is +to plants.


Trump's Staff
Dunno how long this bug has been around but here's how to get past the F2P AA cap:

Have a character at 1000/1000 -> Shroud down and get exp -> Unshrouding will gain you unspent AA's, but you need to spend them before you move at all.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I do not know what test is like, but I checked bazaar last night on Tunare. Twitching snood was there for like 26k and the Black Vertebrae was 188k. (granted this is just one check so is not indicative of standard prices but I had to laugh..helluva markup for one mod3 slot)
people give those away for free on test.

i have a ton of 92/95 gear that people have given me for PLs. i also can copy over those unattuners, prob have a snood, full set of nonvis for 92, and full fear touched i can give you if you ever decide to copy over


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Yeah everything is either free or 10k-1million. Only thing you really spend pp on is potions or like augs, thats only when you dont pay attention to general with people giving shit out.

Once you get some pet defenive aa's and stuff you can just molo everything you need at till max aa and level 100 super maxed out.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Do any of you Mage's have this?




Trump's Staff
So, I downloaded this for shits and giggles, and have a couple questions.

1. Is there a server a bunch of you are on? Or a server with a nice healthy population I should consider?

2. Class choice. Lots has changed in 10 years. What class should I roll? I don't want to play anything that takes too much 'skill' since I'm so out of practice, and I'm not a huge Everquest Melee class fan, but id be willing if they are more fun these days. I'd love a class that is somewhat self sufficient and yet still desirable in groups. I would love to be able to solo old content for nostalgia (up to PoP) and explore the newer zones without having to kill every trash mob I see. The classes that immediately appeal to me are Wizard, Necro, and Cleric.

3. Race choice. I realize racial stat differences no longer matter, but do racial traditions? Is hide still useful? Forage? Iksar HP regen for necros?



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
1. Test server, where all the expansions and Gold account access is 100% free.
2. Necro's are the most self-sufficient class in the game. Desired in groups for leet dps, among their other utility.
3. Totally cosmetic. Any advantages one race had over another gets equaled out in AA's or mudflation.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm loving the shit outta my necro (alt). Even considering making it my main. He kills shit hella fast. If only Persistent Paralysis repopped faster than 2 minutes... I've also been hearing very good things about their pets tanking ability once you got the AAs into it, and a decent pet focus. In this age of bot/merc group, being able to solo well seems important.
Test is free and it has what.. like a 100% exp bonus? I don't know who in their right mind wouldn't play on Test for the bonus in a 15 year old game. it's masochistic to want to slave away grinding all fucking night and day on live when you can come to Test with 10 exp pots from FV and get to 100 in like a week. granted, you won't find many opportunities to group unless you join a large social guild. enough of us here play on Test, so we can always get into something.

the population on Test isnt as low as one would think. i was dubious before i started playing back in the spring. Test general gets into the 300s now. and many people opt out to leave general because there are a ton of annoying assholes in there. yeah, boxing is heavy on Test, but there is a solid population- enough to make it not feel like a dead server. the test server in EQ feels more alive than my WoW servers


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Autojoin rerolled:trannies
Join rerolled:trannies

I'm Nylab on test and level 32 bard is normally on Saphere or his other 7 alts.

Take your time and do some shit, when you're ready we can hook you up with cash or exp or whatever you want! If you need some money, just send a pm on here or just reply and we can parcel you more then you need.