EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content


Toilet of the Mod Elect
That was a straight up copy of someone elses but mine is pretty much the same. Will write it all out nice and easy after I make some dinner and some drinks. I have a pocket druid I use for more debuffs/dps so the spell lineup is a tad different. Different spell line up if i'm just moloing or if I have the druid with me.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That was a straight up copy of someone elses but mine is pretty much the same. Will write it all out nice and easy after I make some dinner and some drinks. I have a pocket druid I use for more debuffs/dps so the spell lineup is a tad different. Different spell line up if i'm just moloing or if I have the druid with me.
That would be awesome, thanks!


Golden Knight of the Realm
I too am a little interested in those lists, so thanks for that.

I also have another question. I currently have a 93 shaman and 88 necro that I am boxing together. The Teek dailies are just awesome for the time investment, but once those are done like on a weekend, does anyone have any feedback on a good place to xp at this level? The HoT dog/snake tasks are starting to lose their value even though it goes really quick, so was wondering if there are any other places like that (maybe in VoA) that have quick and easy tasks similar or even something I am not aware of? Once I can get the necro to 90-91, I think that will help a lot due to dot crit aa's going up at 91 and a new rogue pet at 90.

With one char. following the other I could maybe kite somewhere (dual dot characters). Someone mentioned Beast's Doman but holy hell the mob density is almost suicidal. Valley is a lot better but the HP on those mobs is nuts.


Lord Nagafen Raider
With one char. following the other I could maybe kite somewhere (dual dot characters). Someone mentioned Beast's Doman but holy hell the mob density is almost suicidal. Valley is a lot better but the HP on those mobs is nuts.
Root rot the stumps in BD. Great xp


Mob HP goes up pretty significantly from HoT to VoA, but it's nothing that a wizard merc can't handle. Necros, when it was current content, preferred the City of Bronze for their kiting fun. Mob density isn't an issue, but it's a T4 zone so mobs will die a little slower, but exp should be better per mob.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I tried BD and using petrifying earth (it says 3min. but its a dirty lie heh) I couldn't keep anything rooted long enough to kill. The higher level Shackle only lasts 1 min. (but not high enough yet). I just not high enough yet? (the the 93 shamy and 88 necro) or am I doing something wrong?


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Best bet for root rotting is using the AA root that the necro gets, pretty sure the shaman gets one as well. As a reminder, some of the shaman dots have a DD added to them so that might be breaking your root or if you have some augs in your weapons that cast an extra dd. Until you get your AA root all set always remember to debuff/snare the mob if you're using the normal root. find mob, snare, necro debuff, root, switch to sham, debuff, sham dot, switch to necro. Might want to pull with the sham for malo then root then switch to necro stuff. But once you get your Necro AA root all set its easy town, 3 minutes everytime

Lurkus Maximus

Trakanon Raider
I use the exact same box setup (necro and shammy) for root rotting, and it's mindlessly easy and lazy...two big plusses when I don't want to have to pay too much attention. The shaman actually has 2 separate AA roots-Virulent Paralysis, which you can get down to a 30 second recast time, and Paralytic Spores. What I do is find a nice open spot with single pulls (or double if you want more pulls) and use the shaman to pull because of the instant cast cheetah AA, and malo. Basically, I just hit cheetah, run to the mob, cast AA malo, and then while he's running toward you, hit your fastest casting dot for your level. Then run back to camp, creating some distance because of cheetah speed, and park the mob with VP. Hit the macro on the shaman to start the 5-dot casting rotation. Switch to necro and hit the 5-dot macro on him. You can toss in an extra dot or two before hitting the necro macro if your dps isn't high enough to kill with just the 11 dots, but depending on what you're killing, that shouldn't be a problem. Then just switch back to the shaman and start again. You can have a solid 4+ mobs in camp cooking at all times, if you can find a spot with enough mobs to support that.


Toilet of the Mod Elect
---^ follow this exactly. I was in city of bronze pretty much all of 90-100 solo doing this. They will have a bunch more hp but it was always nice and easy. BD, COB, valley of lun but it can get weird there with adds but will have the best exp pretty much because of it bwing a hotzone. Once you can start the quest line in shards landing, do those asap. Mega easy and tons of exp for basiclly running around. Best charm/aug you can get at 92 till you are 100


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is there a way to turn on the oldschool inspect messages? I can't seem to find one.
If you do /toggleinspect on|off you can turn on inspecting by rightclicking again. You can also rightclick any PC and then choose the Inspect option.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He meant the "So-and-so is inspecting you" message. I miss the old days when everyone got super butthurt when you inspected them. /rosecolored


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Is there some issue with cleric mercs getting stuck on stupid or something? My googlefu can't find anything current. I'll be tanking, killing mobs fine, and then at some point (and sometimes several times a night) the cleric merc just stops healing. I'll have to run around for 15 seconds (or whatever) until it decides to start healing me again (or just toss one heal and stop again, that happens too). My first thought was it's a LOS issue, but nah, because when it stops healing I'll run right over and stand on the damn cleric and still, nada. This is highly frustrating. I play a Ranger, so (esp on snare immune mobs) the healing really can't keep getting interrupted like that or I drop fast.

I keep the cleric on the Efficient setting, marking myself as both the puller and tank when appropriate.

Any ideas on how to fix this, if it is fixable?


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Its all the puller and tank switching, don't even mark yourself as anything. Youll die a ton more tagged with puller. Mercs dont have a los issue, they will heal you no matter on sight or whatever. Works great for mobs that fear or whatever so you can setup and place and face them how you wish. As a necro i place my merc on balanced and on named i use the best one (forgot what it is called, heals asap and goes through mana quick)


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Sure wish Life would stop being a dick so I can log in and play. Zzez misses sitting in the Guild Lobby and casting buffs 10 minutes after he says he is going to.


Yeah I'm job hunting and doing some college courses at the minute so for the most part I cba to sit in front of EQ for several hours a day atm. When the initial rush of activity dies down I'll be back again, want to crack on with all that progression/tasking I have to do!


<Bronze Donator>
i kind of want to start a warrior on Test just to see if i can solo Naggy or Vox at level 52 with enough gear/AAs and a gold merc


Lord Nagafen Raider
That was a straight up copy of someone elses but mine is pretty much the same. Will write it all out nice and easy after I make some dinner and some drinks.
Alasliasolonik, I'm still checking this thread regularly in the hopes you've had a chance to write out your strat. hint hint