EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content


Golden Knight of the Realm
When's the aa change going to happen on test. I want to level my mage but don't want to waste aa
You can /reset aa on Test, so best idea is to cram in as much aa as you can, reset, get new free aa then add on top of that all the ones you've earned.


Does that work? I'm a little scared to try but my rogue has 5.5k AA or so, so with the autogranted AAs and 5.5k to spend on top...well that's a fuck load of AAs lol. Actually, don't you have to zone with the auto granted AA I was pretty sure you couldn't zone after /reseting AAs or you would lose them. I will try on a guy that I rarely play tomorrow and see what happens, and let everyone know what happens if someone else has not already.

Also, patch was earlier tonight apparently and the chat is still down. Really getting tired of just playing with myself with out even having anyone to talk to as I'm just guilded with myself since coming back.

Oh, I will be running through all of HoT progression missions in the next week or so to get my new boxes flagged so if anyone needs them on test just let me know and I'd be happy to send a task add. They are hardly needed anymore but its always nice to have more options on where you grind at, even though i'm sure they will be unlocked soon enough.


Vyemm Raider
I'm always down to group too. I'm a 96sk Soulsnapper or 87bst Rapto (same account) or Soulmage 90mag, Soulshaman 90shm. Feel free to hit me up in game I would prefer to group and do stuff rather than solo grind.

*edit* It hasn't deleted my aa, but I figured out if you don't touch the aa slider after you reset it doesn't tell me I need to spend all mine.


Molten Core Raider
Patch on test is currently bugged and giving an extra expansions AAs more than it should (eg 7k AA instead of 4k) so grab them while you can. Only way I can see them backing them out after you do it is to roll the server back.


Trump's Staff
Yep, auto grant gives all AA up to and INCLUDING House of Thule at the moment. Warrior was auto-assigned 5174 AA, Shaman was auto-assigned 6884 AA, Magician was auto-assigned 6118 AA.

We'll see if/how they fix this. Spell Casting Subtlety is also being auto-granted, which wasn't supposed to happen (Tradeskill AA's aren't, though).

Anyhow, for those on Test, feel free to hit me up if you want to group, want some buffs, pet gear, whatever.

Warrior: Scaledfury
Shaman: Scaleybits
Mage: Petweps

Those are the guys I'm on 99% of the time now. All level 100.


<Bronze Donator>
does guild chat still work when the chat servers are down? with as shoddy as the chat servers have been lately, you test guys should just all start a <Rerolled> guild to stay in touch.


Trump's Staff
does guild chat still work when the chat servers are down? with as shoddy as the chat servers have been lately, you test guys should just all start a <Rerolled> guild to stay in touch.
It does. Some of us are in lvl 32 bard's guild; his call if he wants to invite a bunch more.


<Bronze Donator>
It does. Some of us are in lvl 32 bard's guild; his call if he wants to invite a bunch more.
ah, don't think he had that going when i was on Test.

i've been playing on Vox lately with this silly dream of farming enough plat to buy many krono for the upcoming Progression servers...

however, it looks like i'm actually going to have a job by the time they open that server (fuck yes, the job market sucks where i live), and so i won't need Krono for it

so i may just copy over my Paladin to Test and keep going on there instead.


Molten Core Raider
Do not do the following:

/click auto-grant
/click aa *on*

Just lost hundreds of AA pts because there was nothing to spend them on. Minor oversight, I'm sure.


Molten Core Raider
From what I've been told, you should never /resetaa and zone/log out without spending them.
True. But with this change, you'd think there'd be some other kind of safeguard in place, considering that you can't spend the points after filling up on autogrant.

Anyway... strangeness update: clicked aa back to *off* and had a power outage for a few mins right after. Logged back in and my aa pts are back. dunno wtf.


I resetaa and zoned on 4 of my guys this morning, didn't lose anything. Maybe there is a chance you can though not sure.


Molten Core Raider
Also coming, but not yet listed in the patch notes:
. Ceremonial Elixir of Scholarship is no longer tradable on the Firiona Vie server.

Fair warning that if you have any of these leftover from previous anniversary events, you'll want to move them to a character that will find them useful before our next patch.

403 Forbidden


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
JFC... they are raping the shit out of this game. Looks like it is time to make 1 of every class and get them copied over to Test.


Trump's Staff
Oh wow. For some reason I thought it'd stop at SoD. I presume that's how it's going to be rolled out on live servers?
It was supposed to stop at 4 expacs behind the most recent (so Underfoot right now). They fucked it up.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Guess I need to log into my guys and get them the AAs before its changed in case I ever get time to come back.

If you have AA(say 2-3k already) should you just auto grant and deal with the "Double"(IE you spent pts in something and part of the auto grant spends pts in the same thing) or is there a trick to use the auto grant and then spend your earned AA on top of it?