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Thanks and no, that's one fuzzy troll and one dark elf. Technically he was born troll but identifies as dark elf. Shitrolled MMO is all about player choice.
You're hired.![]()
Here's my best box art.
You underestimate the power of generic Fantasy. I kinda liked that.The age of heroes has begun. After untold eons, the Gods have spent their remaining energy creating The Font: the only thing capable returning life to the champions of the world. With the Font's power, the races are set to rise up against their cruel oppressors. Elf and dwarf gather arms in secret, while gnomes plot their intricate plans in silence. Humankind raises their torches to the encroaching darkness, while the trolls continue their barbaric preparation for the times ahead. The lights of hope are dwindling, and few can stem the tide of darkness. Except for you. You are the point of light that will lead Norrathia to redemption. Or perhaps it's ruin.
The time for idle contemplation has passed. The time has come, for the Age of Heroes.
Everquest: Heroquest.
You're in our world now.
Its.Or perhaps it's ruin.
Sounds good, but there are still too many races. You only need a good and evil race these days; more races means more work and the real world is just black and white anyway... That means your dialogue options are simple: choose good or evil. Thanks Bioware!The age of heroes has begun. After untold eons, the Gods have spent their remaining energy creating The Font: the only thing capable returning life to the champions of the world. With the Font's power, the races are set to rise up against their cruel oppressors. Elf and dwarf gather arms in secret, while gnomes plot their intricate plans in silence. Humankind raises their torches to the encroaching darkness, while the trolls continue their barbaric preparation for the times ahead. The lights of hope are dwindling, and few can stem the tide of darkness. Except for you. You are the point of light that will lead Norrathia to redemption. Or perhaps it's ruin.
The time for idle contemplation has passed. The time has come, for the Age of Heroes.
Everquest: Heroquest.
You're in our world now.
Agreed. The beauty of EQ 1 was that you could be a Paladin in Qeynos, but you knew there was a Thieves Guild under your feet, and even lower, in the Aquaducts, there'd be Shadowknights lurking, who would be close to KOS in their own city. And then there was the whole Good Guard/Corrupt Guard thing. Merchant factions could be good or bad, and you could encounter representatives of pretty much any faction in the weirdest place of the World. With the weirdest affiliations too.whatever dude, EQ2 released with plenty of races and still only two choices. Bioware didn't invent that shit. In EQ2, Qeynos has always been a fucking ridiculous disney fairytale of happiness and Freeport was originally in beta a kind of military dictatorship along roman/greek lines, but then they shifted it to being seedy, dark, and polluted to make sure even pre-schoolers could grasp that it was the "bad" place. I just.../sigh. I wanted to drill a hole in my skull when I tried to pay attention to the lore in that game.
You're hired, That fresh take on the world of Fantasy gave me shivers.The age of heroes has begun. After untold eons, the Gods have spent their remaining energy creating The Font: the only thing capable returning life to the champions of the world. With the Font's power, the races are set to rise up against their cruel oppressors. Elf and dwarf gather arms in secret, while gnomes plot their intricate plans in silence. Humankind raises their torches to the encroaching darkness, while the trolls continue their barbaric preparation for the times ahead. The lights of hope are dwindling, and few can stem the tide of darkness. Except for you. You are the point of light that will lead Norrathia to redemption. Or perhaps it's ruin.
The time for idle contemplation has passed. The time has come, for the Age of Heroes.
Everquest: Heroquest.
You're in our world now.
Excellent point. Just about every MMO now is completely scripted where you're just an actor saying and doing what the director tells you. I'd like to get back to where the game just lays out the stage and you make your own play.I think people underestimate the beauty of simple lore and presentation. You really do not need a lot of depth as it gives players and opportunity to role-play within the boundaries of the lore. Think of the D&D days or any tabletop where a dungeon master provided a minimal framework for the imagination. There may have been some depth of each race or certain aspects of the world but ultimately the players guided the story and how the people coexisted. Now every MMO is on a rail system. Seriously, you get about the same experience from a children's ride in Disney World.
Me as well. I think certain quests should have indicators but others should be hidden (al a EQ) and required you to pay attention and follow the trail. If you think about it, what is the point of community sites? The only time I ever look online for MMO info is to research "builds". It's a shame they have take the game, world, and story out of the player's hands. Now, you log on, play, and go through the pre-scripted steps.Excellent point. Just about every MMO now is completely scripted where you're just an actor saying and doing what the director tells you. I'd like to get back to where the game just lays out the stage and you make your own play.
I disagree, it started as early as Baldur's Gate. 3 options for everything: "I'm the rainbow warrior" for good, "I'll burn the world." for evil. Sure there was a neutral option, but the imagination of the writers usually went no further than "Goodbye!" or "I don't care." And I think this translated to MMO's, because "Hey, you don't want anyone to imagine something for themselves or play outside our designed box."whatever dude, EQ2 released with plenty of races and still only two choices. Bioware didn't invent that shit.
If we could get enough people to be serious about it, I wouldn't mind seeing if we could put together a Design Doc at least in regards to the core mechanics and store of the game just to see what we came up with for fun. However, i'm sure we would get some trolls and people trashing stuff.Being serious for a moment, I would definitely say that we could, as a group, come up with interesting and entertaining lore/background information, as well as cohesive epic questlines that fit into a given narrative. Simple experience with the genre and years of being exposed to it has probably tempered many of our versions of what a real "epic" quest should be, and how to go about making it so from a visual/textual/audio level.
But mechanics is an entirely different bag of cats, and I don't think there's enough of a consensus to get anywhere with it. Aside from soft factions, which I'm pretty sure everyone on earth would agree with as being superior to hard factions.