EQ Never


Trakanon Raider
The last thing I remember doing in EQ was Xegony Planes of Power this was before they added in the flag tracker in PoK

I think I still have some hand written notes I jotted down, in order to keep track of what I needed for flags, o god....


Mr. Poopybutthole
I uh, memorized zone-walls for most zones, since I was a DESK. And for pulling, it was basically remembering how many rights/lefts while staring at the floor. I can probably still find myself to the newbie log in Nektulos from the Neriak zoneline without looking at the screen hah.


Trakanon Raider
I never actually use it heh, just when my sub was up they had some deal with buy a year + get the atlas for a discounted price, was a good deal at the time *shrug*

but Zone Wall hugging for life, I think I could still run to Sebilis from just the zone wall alone from the Overthere Wizard Spires lol


I'm Amod too!
Prob bought that on eBay
My first was a cleric, I started that Bst as a hydra account and eventually stopped playing the cleric (CH rotations were fucking boring) and turned the bst into my main. Many, many long nights were spent gaining those 1300 AAs.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Ahh, EQAtlas... Where each zone would have paragraphs of info on its inhabitants, dangers and camp spots, like a traveller's guide. The post-EQ MMO equivalent would essentially just be a game walkthrough which explains the most optimal order of quests to take / hubs to visit. Kind of encapsulates what went wrong with pve MMOs right there.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Which guild?
I was in Reunion, which formed from Ring der Nibelungen, previously all german and other non german players that came from different places.

I remember you, I was in TDE for years while batshit insane Ranadin was guild leader then joined Diligence until i quit EQ.
Hah, that name rings a bell, I was in TDE for a while, but being european, it became a chore to stay up late so often. It was during Luclin era, I still have a ton of screenshots



Following up with the 'fast typing in raids' comments, another thing that I really felt was great in EQ was the social skills you had to pickup to progress through the game. ( Apologies if this is has already been talked about 100x here )

Learning to introduce yourself to strangers and form relations... There was only so much room in the world and to get into a group you would have to reach out to people in the zones and ask if you could get in line to join when someone would log, depending on how good you were could possibly mean a few hours of downtime between leveling. Being able to talk to everyone was a game in itself.

I bring it up because now everything is so anonymous that you can be a total piece of shit and never have to worry about any backlash because everyone is untouchable. Even if you did get an entire server to exile you...you could just change your name, or change servers.. It just takes a lot of the immersion out for me because, "who cares, I'm not accountable."