For their next project some of you devs need to go out and get a really splintery 4x4 from your hardware store. Make sure it really needs to be sandpapered down, I'm talking just filthy with splinters, the bigger the better.
Ok. Got that?
Now get some rusty nails. Hammer those bad boys in there, if you split the wood it's not a problem. In fact it'll be perfect for our purposes. Next you'll want to cut and reinforce a 4x4 hole in the wall, roughly 2.5' to 3' off the ground. Now I know by now you've completely fucked this up and probably built a slide with a pinwheel attached, so go get an intern to follow my instructions while you play air guitar....done? Okay now slide that nasty old piece of wood into your slot in the wall. Now I want you to go Vaseline your asshole up, bend over, and slowly back into it until you die. Got it? Nothing better than 12 dollar an hour 'Devs' sitting around pointing fingers and blaming everyone else for the complete collapse of their industry. Fucking no talent retards.