EQ Never


Trakanon Raider
True , how would they stop us from simply making a stand to continually kill the enemy and not allow them to build X city (complete the event ) , other than some ridiculous thing like a timer where it just happens, which would really , really suck on a PVP ruleset server.

I could very much spend many , many days harassing the enemy lines trying to accomplish such an event and enjoy every bit of it.
*shrugs*They probably won't do anything to stop you from interfering like that. They've said slowing or stopping progress is an option, it's just that RCs don't have a definitive 'fail' state, but you could theoretically keep an RC in a constant 'in progress' state.


Elisha Dushku
Yeah, but doesn't that speak to a weakness in Storybricks?
Authored Content and Storybricks are somewhat opposed to each other - AC, like Rallying Calls and quests, are things SOE puts in the game that aren't going to change. There will always be a quest from Static_Village_X to get the relic from the bottom of the mine. I honestly don't know how SOE is incoporating the two together because under SB rules Static village should potentially get destroyed.


Elisha Dushku
Here's to hoping at least some servers will be allowed more "freedom" for this sort of thing.
Whatever. I just don't get this obsession. Why the desire to play in a game where the only fucking city is Qeynos? I just hope I'm not on your guys' server. I would like to roll a barbarian warrior given the opportunity.




As tad mentioned earlier, and if this is possible, the most exciting element of SB to me personally is positive interaction with Monster factions.

IDGAF about player-races. Hopefully I gain faction via training.
I hope this is possible too, but I think there might be some embellishing going on in this here thread. Not much has been revealed about Story Bricks or the way the AI in mobs--as opposed to NPCs--is going to function. The one example they keep using is orcs. Orcs, they say, will like gold, hate cities, and like lonely roads. I don't see how any of those would allow a player to build a good reputation with orcs.

I anticipate SB will turn out to be much like the other features of EQN: it will push the genre ever so slightly toward "next gen." A lot of the revolutionary game design that is being discussed here and in other forums is the creation of the players' imaginations and not based on anything that has been revealed. You won't be able to make friends with mobs; they are mobs and they will always hate players. You won't be able to dig down in any location that you want to find a neat dungeon concealing a powerful mob; there will be specific locations that serve as the entrances to these dungeons. Rallying calls are not an opportunity to change the story; they allow SOE to release the game before filling the world with content.

I'm not trying to say EQN is going to be horrible. I look forward to playing it, and I think it is going to be fun and different. It's just important to keep in mind that SOE is playing the same PR game that every MMO with loads of money behind it has played in the past. They get your imagination running wild with all kinds of meaningless claims: "biggest sandbox ever," "emergent gameplay," "next generation," "revolutionary AI," etc. The players then run rampant with speculation and throw whatever they personally want to see in an mmo into the EQN stew.

All you have to do to see that EQN is not going to come close to meeting these expectations is look at what has happened thus far. The developers hyped up the reveal by talking about how much they can't wait to talk about the game, then the reveal was 75% "we aren't talking about that yet." Smedley has literally promised every niche mmo player exactly what they want out of EQN. The developers cushion the information they do reveal with phrases like "it would be cool if..." / "we would love to see that" / "we promise when we reveal the part of this aspect of the game that we aren't talking about yet you're going to love it."

As if these cautionary tales aren't enough, what they have said about beta/release in the past should be enough to make anyone skeptical. "You're going to have a version of EQN by the end of the year, and we don't mean beta." -> "Well, by a version of EQN we mean a game that is not played at all like EQN, but you can use it to help make us content, and it will release this winter." -> "Well by 'we don't mean beta' we actually meant beta and by 'it will release this winter' we meant the beta will start this winter."

Bottom line: temper your expectations.


Elisha Dushku
Bottom line: temper your expectations.
Hell no. SB is the only thing that's interesting man. All they have to do to allow you to buddy up with Orcs and/or Fippy is to put in a couple of bricks that allows that. So let's push it.


Musty Nester
When asked if someone could intervene with villainous intent during rally calls, the panel (Principally Dave Georgeson) recoiled in horror and stated "We didn't make a game with griefing in mind."
See, this is kind of a problem. Griefing is going to happen. It is going to happen. Any time you put more than 3 people in a room the 4th person will figure out a way to fuck with one of the other 3. Just because. He doesn't need a reason. Water is wet, the sky is blue, people on the internet are complete fucking dicks to each other in significant numbers for absolutely no reason at all.

It's not that they don't play their own games. They obviously don't and that's lame but that itself is still an entirely surmountable barrier. It's that they don't even understand or recognize some very basic patterns of social behavior -- and that's inexcusable. It's not 1997.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Hell no. SB is the only thing that's interesting man. All they have to do to allow you to buddy up with Orcs and/or Fippy is to put in a couple of bricks that allows that. So let's push it.
I'll be really fucking disappointed if I can't. Imagine being non-KOS to orcs/goblins/gnolls on a PVP server where most of the population is. On launch day/beta I'm wiping my ass with my newbie note and bring a fruit basket to the closest dungeon.

Paladin Fuckface LIKES: [honor] [social status] [the gods] DISLIKES: [orcs] [crime] [blasphemy]

The Goblin Whipmaster LIKES: [gold] [titty fucking] [slaughter] DISLIKES: [humans] [being killed]

Who would you rather be bros with?


I want to see Fippy sprinting up the path to Qeynos so I can tackle him to the ground and plead with him not to sacrifice himself so nonsensically. I want him to come to his senses and thank me for saving his life, before leading me back to his family where they welcome me with open arms for saving their young brethren. I want to be revered among the Darkpaws...always having a place to stay and a bite to eat...

Sorry. I'm drunk.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I used to love charming Fippy leading him past the gates and right next to his despawn point then Membluring him so he would complete his script and shout to the zone that he conquered Qeynos for the Darkpaw. Nothing happened other than the shout but it got people in the zone freaking out.

There were so many fun and outlandish things you could do in EQ. I miss the freedom and the wonder of what could they do next.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Authored Content and Storybricks are somewhat opposed to each other - AC, like Rallying Calls and quests, are things SOE puts in the game that aren't going to change. There will always be a quest from Static_Village_X to get the relic from the bottom of the mine. I honestly don't know how SOE is incoporating the two together because under SB rules Static village should potentially get destroyed.
It seems like a pretty big assumption that we'll actually be able to destroy NPC communities. Honestly I'll be surprised if we can permanently destroy any NPC structures. I mean, unless it's just procedurally generated little Orc villages or something, (sorta) like what you could find from missions in the original Star Wars Galaxies.


Silver Knight of the Realm
*shrugs*They probably won't do anything to stop you from interfering like that. They've said slowing or stopping progress is an option, it's just that RCs don't have a definitive 'fail' state, but you could theoretically keep an RC in a constant 'in progress' state.
I'm pretty sure they will want all servers to follow the same general timeline. It might take much longer to build Halas on server X than on server Y, but I'm pretty sure that things that are important enough to affect game lore will eventually happen automatically to avoid branches/stalling.

Running Dog_sl

I'm pretty sure they will want all servers to follow the same general timeline. It might take much longer to build Halas on server X than on server Y, but I'm pretty sure that things that are important enough to affect game lore will eventually happen automatically to avoid branches/stalling.
Remember the Defenders of the Shard... (and ignore the terrible spelling in the quote :p)

"During Asheron's Call's height of glory there was an event known as the "Shard of the Herald" this was he culmination of a series of events where 6 shards were destroyed by players which brought new and more powerful items into the game world. The Shard if the Herald was the last of these shards. Turbine decided to spice things up a bit by making players swear allegence to the demon Bael'Zharon (whic is the demon that would be released once the shard was destroyed) thus making players flagged for PvP. The payers then could wither go and destroy the shard or try to defend it. Most of the shards on other servers quickly fell except for one, and that one was on the Thisltedown server. Players on this server organized what is known as 'The Shard Vigil" and defedned the shard from would be attackers 24 hours a day. These player's defense of the shard was so stalwart that the developers had to include lore which allowed them to create NPC's which they controlled to help players break their lines and shatter the shard. Impressed by this the developers rewarded the player's with a statue comemerating their efforts."


Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
It's not a sandbox Whaaaaaaaa
From the big features they announced the SB AI and the destructable world seem sandbox to me, and the multiclassing while not UO/EVE style freeform sounds fairly open-ended too (iirc UO had some limits like 7 GM max too?). Of course none of that is in game yet so you could argue they will fail to implement it as well as they believe. But to say the sandbox features arent there is a thin argument (or a good troll). They main concern is the spectacularly fail and deliver this:

I feel like GW2 hyped their game exactly this way and the result was seeing the same chain of 3-4 centaur scripts repeat 100 times. I'm really hoping this game does it better.

While it's entertaining to think about what "could be" with what they've revealed so far I have a suspicion that it will just wind up being too many moving parts for them to handle. Storybricks "done right" will require significant oversight and time investment. The skill base character skeleton they're talking about would require significant oversight and time investment. The gear based character customization that they're hinting at will require significant oversight and time investment. All three require a sort of systemic creativity you are more likely to find these days in card games than in MMO's.

It's not irrational pessimism. I want to believe so much, Mulder. But they're doing it again. The exact same thing they've done three times before. They're promising far more than they can reasonably be expected to deliver. And this is just based on past performance. These guys don't have this, they're more of a "fake it till you make it" crew.

The best thing they could probably do is just shut the fuck up at this point. They got their little "look at me!" popularity bump. Do some work, come back in a year and display it. If you're doing it right it won't be revealing precious corporate secrets that Vivendi can steal. Because if you do it right it's the work you've put into it that's important, not the gimmick.
The fact that they hire subcontractors for the heavy lifting gives me a certain amount of hope. SB has been in development for a long time, not sure about the voxel thing but I reckon both those foundations are more solid then anything else in EQN right now (because everything else seems to still be in the napkin design stage).

I hope this is possible too, but I think there might be some embellishing going on in this here thread. Not much has been revealed about Story Bricks or the way the AI in mobs--as opposed to NPCs--is going to function. The one example they keep using is orcs. Orcs, they say, will like gold, hate cities, and like lonely roads.I don't see how any of those would allow a player to build a good reputation with orcs. ...
Bottom line: temper your expectations.
Depending on how sophisticated the SB AI is, helping them in fights or giving them gold should work. I think it's a very important part because if they only allow you a half-dozen approved factions to interact with beyond killing them that is very much theme park. I hope they do realize that. And with regards to RCs, I understand that some RCs might have a set outcome because that outcome leads to new content, but they can also have RCs that dont have any planned follow-ups and for those they can let the dice fall where they may.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I'm pretty sure they will want all servers to follow the same general timeline. It might take much longer to build Halas on server X than on server Y, but I'm pretty sure that things that are important enough to affect game lore will eventually happen automatically to avoid branches/stalling.
I'm not sure if it was just attendee speculation but didnt they specifically say that servers can develop differently over the years? Or did they backpedal on it?

A few of you mentioned fishing_village03 and random orc villages throughout the last pages - Just how big do you expect the world to be? I think it would be awesome if it turns out big enough that there are some random towns and villages of no consequences that can be occupied/destroyed/change hands depending on player and AI behaviour. But you need much more landmass for that then the theme parks of the last decade had. At best you had a town that was the designated "change hands" location like that one zone on luclin that went back and forth between sonic dogs and owlbears (?), or Halaa (?) in TBC. GW2 that put much emphasis on those world changes didnt manage to instill semi-permanent change into their world either... the towns there get taken over if players are absent, but a group or two can flip it back in half an hour if they cared.
I'm totally with you here. I definitely want to have the option to positively align myself with strictly-NPC factions and see some meaningful result come from it.
reminds me of when EQ released the Sarnak faction. I was PUMPED. Always loved Chardok, and I was very excited to start aligning myself with them.

Also, we're consistently using the "Founding of Halas" as a basis for talking about Rallying Calls. That event, since it concerns building a major player hub, does seem to have a pre-determined result.

However, Rallying Calls will use the SB engine, just like every other facet of the game (seemingly). Shouldn't we assume that there will be smaller scale "Rallying Calls" - "Dynamic Events" that can go multiple undetermined directions?


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm not sure if it was just attendee speculation but didnt they specifically say that servers can develop differently over the years? Or did they backpedal on it?
My post was pure speculation. I'm sure servers will develop differently in some regards, but my guess is that the major lore events will happen on all servers (but exactly when they happen depends on player actions). There are two things that support this. One is that they pretty much said that you can't permanently stop a Rallying Call. The other is that it would be a nightmare for developers when every server eventually ended up with it's own lore.