EQ Never


Molten Core Raider
How do you define hard though? EQ wasn't hard because of the combat, it was 'hard' because you were fighting for limited resources and had to navigate not just the world but also the people in that world.


Golden Squire
And even things like some of the more unforgiving / harsh mechanics were pretty much non-issues if you were in a decent guild or even just not a dbag on the server, which is really what people want - that need for good social interaction, not so much that people want corpse runs. Getting a corpse summoned/dragged with a res wasn't usually that big of a deal (unless, again, you were a pariah).


How do you define hard though? EQ wasn't hard because of the combat, it was 'hard' because you were fighting for limited resources and had to navigate not just the world but also the people in that world.
EQ was hard, compared to the faceroll mmorpgs that followed it.
I dont know if you started in '99 but you could barely solo an even con in the early days. If you got an add, you were done for. Corpse run. EQ in '99 was unforgiving and few people could solo, and those that could were not soloing efficiently. You were wearing cloth and leather stuff, no stat boosts or anything until much later in the game.
The moment the high level dungeons were being farmed, twinking became the most popular thing to do and then, sure, the game became much easier.


So my question is how hard is it really to implement a "hardmode" server?

Same game, core assets, questlines, etc... but shit like the combat equations are tweaked for more difficulty, a different death penalty put in place, etc..

I understand that would be more resource intensive.. two code bases, two quality control checks, and so on. Depending on how much is tweaked it could be pretty significant. But since hardly any MMO dev does this I have to assume they have run the numbers and the potential profits from a hardcore base doesn't pay off. Or is it that they're just dumb lazy fucks bound by suits and bean-counters?
I think the hardcore server idea died with the previous iteration of EQN.


Trump's Staff
They are just sooooo bad at this lol. I find it so difficult to believe there isn't like a single ounce of cool in that building. Butler is as close as it comes and that's scary.


Golden Squire
Yeah I started to watch it, and quickly realized "wait, wtf am I doing wasting my time on this?" (as as someone who plays MMOs, you know I have a low bar for what I consider an actual waste of my time). I figured if there was anything valuable, it'd be posted about later.


Yeah there really wasn't that much if you're not interested in the whys and hows of the round table, or the people behind the game. If you just care about seeing gameplay/information about the game(s) then there wasn't anything.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Honestly they could just hit the screen capture video on some of the ppl goofying around with building things in EQnL and then post them at double speed. This would at least give something new and different to watch than seeing someone's crapping iPhone interview videos in the company lobby on their smoke break!


Trakanon Raider
Write up happened but nothing revolutionary. Dudes don't wanna talk.
I wan't to step in here; Theres information there, they have stuff, and they REALLY wanted to say things....They just couldn't.

LOTS of juicy info had to be cut out of the write up due to PR.

I didn't fight against it because there is a need to maintain a good relationship with the powers that be. How else am I going to swindle out beta keys to pass out to forum pals?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think people are writing this game off too soon.. It might not be exactly what some of us are looking for but it going to be fun. they really need to capture the big, dangerous world feel. That's a cruital part.


Golden Squire
Not so much writing it off, but (as usual) there was a lot of hype and promises, and none of it delivered at all. And what we did get, was not what a lot of this forum is interested in (many people want EQ3, and don't want cartoony Kerans). I think many of us are just "meh" until we actually have something more concrete anyways.

For something that's supposed to be going live in two months, we sure have a whole lot of nothing.


I wan't to step in here; Theres information there, they have stuff, and they REALLY wanted to say things....They just couldn't.

LOTS of juicy info had to be cut out of the write up due to PR.

I didn't fight against it because there is a need to maintain a good relationship with the powers that be. How else am I going to swindle out beta keys to pass out to forum pals?
My comment wasn't meant as a criticism on your interview. I should rephrase it to "dudes couldn't talk."


I think people are writing this game off too soon.. It might not be exactly what some of us are looking for but it going to be fun. they really need to capture the big, dangerous world feel. That's a cruital part.
We might as well write it off and move on considering they don't even have a game.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I think it's pretty funny to hear all the bitching about crappy round table discussions. None of them have been any good but people keep jumping on just to find anything to bitch about. Pretty broken record at this point. At least they are bringing in different shit.

EQ had difficulty but after you learned the rules, it really wasn't that difficult. Add in that it was pretty easy for groups outside of dungeons, dungeons became farmable fairly quickly, and the game was based off both item and character levels...and this game lost that 'hard' luster within a few expansions. WoW in it's early stages was also fairly difficult. With no true competition, WoW just gravitated toward giving everyone everything which will eventually fail every time.

A game based off alternative advancement can be much more difficult than the same old garbage. Add gear, add levels, beat content because you eventually out gear the difficulty. That's not difficulty based gaming. Beating content because you finally have the gear to win against extremely basic mob AI isn't a great accomplishment. A game that limits leveling and focuses on player choice of how they will fight? That should be different enough to add complexity while losing none of the difficulty. This may not be accomplished but no one knows this for sure. I'm still hoping for battles against dragons that will require large groups of players in order to gain success.

Big W, Glad we are friends, buddy.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Im not sure about difficulty. It almost feels like confusing one trait for another. Like getting laid by a talented red head, and crediting your enjoyment to her red hair instead of her skill in bed. Moving away from catch all words would be more descriptive. While I personally think that difficulty does lend itself to some of the following, I don't think that is the only way to achieve them; simply the easiest.

I want to feel like getting to my current state within the game is an accomplishment and not just a metric of time. I want to feel like I can expect a base level of competence from my group-mates based on their ability to get to the same point within the game. I want the server society to mean something; for player and guild reputations to be valued. I want a useful but transparent UI. I want the game to be fun, regardless of where I am in it; the game shouldn't start at level cap, but at level one. I want a world that feels alive and organic, not just a bunch of propped up cardboard cutouts or vending machines.

Now maybe the developers can give me what I am looking for, but when I hear words thrown around like accessibility in regards to game-play it really makes me worried that they just don't get it. Nothing wrong with casual friendly games, but the market is already swamped with them. It's like getting into the fast food industry making burgers and having to compete with McD, the King, and Hardees, even though you know there is a market for chicken and you'd only be competing against Chickfila. If the game is too accessible the bulk of the player base will consume your content and move on to the next ftp game like a herd of buffalo on the plains; always eating the grass to the nubs before moving on and just leaving shit behind. I don't want shit. I want a game where the community is socially, emotionally, and intellectually invested.

Sorry for the for the incoherent rant.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I wan't to step in here; Theres information there, they have stuff, and they REALLY wanted to say things....They just couldn't.

LOTS of juicy info had to be cut out of the write up due to PR.

I didn't fight against it because there is a need to maintain a good relationship with the powers that be. How else am I going to swindle out beta keys to pass out to forum pals?
You better start swindling for keys since this was (is?) supposed to be playable this year.
And we neckbeards want to see their pr bubble burst first hand on the servers.