EQ - The Sleeper

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Yah not sure why so many people think boxing was impossible back then... Using EQWindows I dual boxed all through Kunark/Velious. It was pretty common, most of my guild had access to port/res/heal bots.
1) eqwindows came out nearly two years after the game's release. 2) you needed a cutting edge computer to even run it. 3) the alternative was using multiple computers which wasn't an option for most people.

every guild had a couple of people who either used bots in cases of emergency or granted other people access to alt accounts, but bots really weren't that common during eq's heyday


3) the alternative was using multiple computers which wasn't an option for most people.
I remember a friend of mine who convinced his parents to have two AOL accounts, two computers, and two phone lines so he could box ( his dad was also an accountant w/ AOL :p ). Those were the days when your parents wondered why you needed to lug the whole computer to your friends house - they should have invested in laptops lol.

What was your first EQ machine?

My first EQ machine:
Pentium III 400mhz
128mb ram
56.6k modem
20gb hard drive
voodoo2 64mb

I was able to run eqwindows with it for 2 boxing purposes during original-velious.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Cutting edge computer? Are you kidding me? I ran it on an IBM Aptiva that had a card that was the modem, video card AND sound card all in one. Come on now...

All you had to do was modify the .cfg file to set the background window FPS to zero. Not difficult. Its amazing how many people didnt understand how to run it properly.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
All you had to do was modify the .cfg file to set the background window FPS to zero. Not difficult. Its amazing how many people didnt understand how to run it properly.
Thank god more people didn't understand this. It let those of us that did look like fricking superstars.


Lord Nagafen Raider
First EQ machine? I think I may have been running it on a 486 until I got a summer job and worked my ASS off for $1600 to buy a PIII 450 machine. I was so proud of that computer. Monitor was SVGA was the tits. Was blazingly fast on my US Robotics 28.8K modem.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Logged on, all the starter tunics I tried were still broken. I bug reported that shit over a year ago when I first attempted to beta this server.

Oh yeah and GoD mobs in newbies areas and shit still hanging around.

Really hope since you're open sourcing it you find some more devs, I just quit by like level 10 it's so unpolished atm.


Silver Knight of the Realm
What was your first EQ machine?

My first EQ machine:
Pentium III 400mhz
128mb ram
56.6k modem
20gb hard drive
voodoo2 64mb

I was able to run eqwindows with it for 2 boxing purposes during original-velious.
P3 533 Mhz
56.6k modem
RAGE Fury Max, 64MB or 128MB, dual core processor.
98 SE, baby.

Ran this till 2003.


i had to beg my dad for like 3 years and i finally got a p133 with 100 mb hd and 14.4 modem and ran eq on it. took me like 22minutes from getting home from school before i was actually in game.


Really hope since you're open sourcing it you find some more devs, I just quit by like level 10 it's so unpolished atm.
Coming from the guy who started the "EQ P99" thread on this forum, your opinion may likely be skewed.

Feel free to help the classic open source effort if you're truly a fan of classic eq and want to see it grow / continue.

NEWc code on the open source section of the forum to help fix an npc attack bug existing on all emulated servers!


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Because I tried p99 and got to level 15 as an sk, huge skew.

I have tried all eqemu servers, and I applaud your open source development but your server as its own entity is very unpolished and has a very questionable rule set for a free account everquest server.


Logged on, all the starter tunics I tried were still broken. I bug reported that shit over a year ago when I first attempted to beta this server.
Actually, just started 2 new characters a week ago, neither my sister nor I had any issues with our starter tunics or xp. Which I know was an issue on the previous server we were playing on.

but your server as its own entity is very unpolished and has a very questionable rule set for a free account everquest server.
The server is still in beta, and personally, I think their rule sets give all players a pretty level playing field.

Can't wait for launch Kegz! If there's anything I can do to help using SQL, just let me know.smile.png


Boxing is not a bad thing. Private servers often have gaps in the population, whether in certain lvl ranges or certain times of the day that boxing can really help fill. This server only allows two at a time so it's not really a big deal. The people that were going to solo are going to keep doing so, those that want to group may have an easier time filling all 6 slots.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
You are extremely naive if you think allowing "just" 2-boxing is going to prevent anyone from going way over the top. It's also much easier to enforce no boxing (already pretty difficult) then a specific amount (2,3,5,etc).

2-boxing itself isn't a bad thing, it's that people are dicks and are going to use that inch and stretch into a mile and do some ridiculous shit.
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