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DBG took so much heat from players when they made the persona system terrible in beta, they don't care.
I'm contemplating popping a few krono to get a heroic char on all my accounts for personas some time this year. But the thought of leveling them grinding and cycling overseer a couple hundred times is very demotivating. It's not even a one-time problem either. It's something you'd have to grind out for every persona you wanted to keep current. I'm still hoping they run the statistics on how many people have a max-level persona character on live and change things, but like I said, they don't care.
They need to fix whatever the issue is with mob exp at level 111+ and just let mobs give normal exp at that point.
While they're at it, having 101+ not immediately nullify exp from pre-TDS zones would also be nice.
I don't know if this is a coding issue or an exp curve / numbers issue. As in "we've blocked out things we don't want people doing from giving reasonable exp" versus "these levels suddenly require vastly more exp and only the thing we want people doing gives enough to move the needle". If it's a coding issue they could just lift the nerfs on everything else, if it's an exp curve issue then that's a whole other thing and they'd have to figure that out.
As it is though, I don't see how anyone will reasonably get their personas through level 111-125 with exp being like 1/10th the speed that it was on their main. Sit in Great Divide dwarf caves for 300 hours, I guess. At least the Rallos Earring won't have any issues getting finished eventually.