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I keep telling them all they have to do to replicate Aradune is have JChan OD.
Shouldn't have laughed.
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I keep telling them all they have to do to replicate Aradune is have JChan OD.
Hold my bear!Player power compared to how tough mobs are in early expansions is so skewed these days that pulling is not even really a skill. Literally anyone with a bow or any spell can do the job at 95% effectiveness, as the amount of mobs it'll take to wipe a group actually takes effort to go and collect.
LOL.!!! The only problem is that as fucked up as Brad was, there still was some EQ nostalgia to be garnered from his passing.I keep telling them all they have to do to replicate Aradune is have JChan OD.
I had forgotten that Brad had fucking died and the server was named after him. That's another reason to not copy it. Some of its numbers were from it being the memorial server. That's not something you can replicate.
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Big reduction tomorrow.
I had forgotten that Brad had fucking died and the server was named after him. That's another reason to not copy it. Some of its numbers were from it being the memorial server. That's not something you can replicate.
I maintain that the 10 day reservations are bullshit, will be abused, and shouldn't exist.
* and will make moneyI maintain that the 10 day reservations are bullshit, will be abused, and shouldn't exist.
Yeah bards are nuts. I did a lot of crazy soloing back in my time. You can either slow something well enough that you can out dps it, or, once you're about dead from this you mes it and heal to full and then rinse repeat. That's why I was nostalgic over ancient spells, the bard ancient mez is just guaranteed. That's how I handled soloing alice in wonderland 4 iirc in PoMischief. Another thing I used to do was solo in PoGrowth in era. That was bonkers because it was before a nerf to gem drop rates. I made a massive amount of raw plat.. like ridiculous amounts. I would simply outheal the summon damage that I would take from being summoned by the mob(s) I was kiting. Their summon cd was about 10s and I could outheal that with Singing Steel BP. And you'd just never damage the protetectors of the grove that were chasing you all the while.I remember seeing a 65 Bard soloing in Halls of Honor on Live right before OoW came out. Just solo-kiting the giant knights with no issues whatsoever. Was the first time I ever saw anyone soloing in there with any kind of effectiveness. That guy was also the first person I ever saw with capped AAs in an era on Live.
Yeah bards are nuts. I did a lot of crazy soloing back in my time. You can either slow something well enough that you can out dps it, or, once you're about dead from this you mes it and heal to full and then rinse repeat. That's why I was nostalgic over ancient spells, the bard ancient mez is just guaranteed. That's how I handled soloing alice in wonderland 4 iirc in PoMischief. Another thing I used to do was solo in PoGrowth in era. That was bonkers because it was before a nerf to gem drop rates. I made a massive amount of raw plat.. like ridiculous amounts. I would simply outheal the summon damage that I would take from being summoned by the mob(s) I was kiting. Their summon cd was about 10s and I could outheal that with Singing Steel BP. And you'd just never damage the protetectors of the grove that were chasing you all the while.
Another one that is sadly lost to time from coding changes is soloing phinigel as a bard at 60 after velious came out. Lute of the howler used to make you non kos to everything in there but some time over the years some update broke faction and it no longer works. He was a really easy melee solo for a bard. Was nice to be able to solo him to camp for backbone because bard epic is such a dick sucking pain in the ass.
I think people in modern times just think of bards as swarm kiters, but they are pretty close to top of the pack for named soloing too. A velious bard solod Tserrina in tofs on p99 not too long ago. Like nobody can do that except for enc chain stunning with color spells.
Speaking of, I'll never play an enchanter on live ever again with color spells all on the same cd. I get why they did it, but yuck I'd throw up only having one color spell on my bar.
we tried that when yace passed. devs told us to go fuck ourselves.Maybe if one of you die we can use it as an excuse to celebrate Tormax.
just savage.
we tried that when yace passed. devs told us to go fuck ourselves.
Yeah the nerfs are a real fuckin bummer. I also miss how bards used to be able to stack anything they could click. I remember I got the first Breastplate of the Void because it was best on a Bard since it was just a free 225hp that stacked with everything.Most fun I've ever had in EQ was swarm kiting as a bard box and PLing my main. Specifically in Underfoot, House of Thule, and Veil of Alaris. I don't remember doing it after that so that's probably when Vainglorious Shout got nerfed. I'd kite 40-50 mobs at a time and it was such a rush, because one mis-timing and I'd go splat. Too bad that's over with because of nerfs. If bards hadn't been nerfed so hard (at least in terms of the really fun things) I'd probably main one on the next server instead of just having it as a squire box.
Haven't played chanter since the color stuns got nerfed. Sounds like a PITA. Level 4 Mesmerize is still fast-casting enough (and short duration enough) to hold off a broken charm pet if the first stun fails. Now that only one is needed, what stun do people mem now, the low level low mana one or the high level long duration one or what?
You can use single target dots while running.Yeah the nerfs are a real fuckin bummer. I also miss how bards used to be able to stack anything they could click. I remember I got the first Breastplate of the Void because it was best on a Bard since it was just a free 225hp that stacked with everything.
I don't think I'd enjoy an early era live Bard anymore either. You can't even use single target damage over time songs while running can you? Or is it only aoe dots that are fucked if a mob is moving?
Playing an enc with only 1 color spell just sounds terrible. There are so many times when I was soloing on enc on the early tlps where I'd probably just have died if I didn't have a 2nd color spell. Really I can't decide what to play for the tlp. If I was able to box it'd be easy, but only 1 char sounds impossible to decide. Necro or Sham I guess.
The stun nerfs don't really change color stuns for their most useful purpose (holding a pet while you recharm). Unless you're the only enchanter in a raid (where you're not stunning) you'll have plenty of mana anyway to splurge on the more expensive stuns. If you need it for quick interrupts you can go with cheaper, but usually whichever holds the mob still long enough to channel a new charm.Haven't played chanter since the color stuns got nerfed. Sounds like a PITA. Level 4 Mesmerize is still fast-casting enough (and short duration enough) to hold off a broken charm pet if the first stun fails. Now that only one is needed, what stun do people mem now, the low level low mana one or the high level long duration one or what?
It used to stack with everything though. A bard could stack anything they could click. A PoMischief disease flower would stack with resist disease, etc. The singing steel bracer that cast a level 20 mage ds would stack with another mage ds cast from an actual mage. Bards with tashani procs were super important in raids because they'd stack with the real tash from an enc, etc.Also Void BP clicks don't stack with shaman focus line.
still aint bad for the resists i guess though.Also Void BP clicks don't stack with shaman focus line.
Color skew (lvl 43) is the first 8sec stun you get IIRC. The stun duration for that spell line caps at 8 seconds afaik (still playing my enc on Mischief). No need to use the lvl 50+ kunark upgrade - all it does differently is drain 100 mana according to ZAM.Haven't played chanter since the color stuns got nerfed. Sounds like a PITA. Level 4 Mesmerize is still fast-casting enough (and short duration enough) to hold off a broken charm pet if the first stun fails. Now that only one is needed, what stun do people mem now, the low level low mana one or the high level long duration one or what?
It used to stack with everything though. A bard could stack anything they could click. A PoMischief disease flower would stack with resist disease, etc. The singing steel bracer that cast a level 20 mage ds would stack with another mage ds cast from an actual mage. Bards with tashani procs were super important in raids because they'd stack with the real tash from an enc, etc.
To be fair bards were fuckin op as hell in late Velious and Luclin and did need some nerfs. But it sure was fun.