Ya'll racing to the bottom as quickly as you can eh? Drive this really cool, fun concept into the ground and beat it into a bloody pulp, toss a bomb behind your back and wipe your hands clean of it. One person wins the 15 green dragon scales in a row? Lol, why so averse to making rules for your guilds? Do people have not feel bad whatsoever? This is like removing all regulations from corporations and telling them they can do whatever they want and telling Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon to just go for it. Emit all the co2, enslave all the children in the factories, price fix all you want.
But hey, you'll make a lot of krono in the process. Too bad it will damage the game permanently.
I don't know what to tell you, you were probably level 22 at Velious and were a dumb kid. Unike you I was a smart kid

and had two 50+. The minute velious launched I was exploring it. I was one of the first people in Siren's Grotto and I made it to Westwastes before anyone outside of FoH. So I remember leveling in velks, it was shit. I wasn't some newb flicking boogers in gfay and then finally gets to Velks by the time Legacy of Ykesha comes out. That's why you don't remember Velks right.