Right but there is no glory. And to be honest you have never known the glory either. It's always been weird to me the loudest "reee I wanna batphone" people have been veterans of AoC servers. To me, competition in EQ was about taking things that other guilds desperately needed and that you could block them from acquiring. The last server where this existed were the Ragefire/Lockjaw sister servers. When siliinius kept 4 guilds from even being able to SEE Elemental planes for 4 months, that was dominance. AoC server open world contesting is mostly fanboy bullshit from betas who never played real EQ. Like that's the brutal truth.
I never understood the hot take that Phinny was this mega tough boy server, it had AoCs. AoCs are casual everquest. The top guild to come out of Phinny was OGC, it out lasted AoS by like 4 years and reached live, and they were mostly irrelevant in open world in the AoC era. They cleared every expansion pretty quickly. Other guilds on Phinny did as well. This actually proves that even on a "slow" server without double loot, AoC is more than enough for your guild to complete all content. This means OW is nothing but a diversion.
On the old school TLPs if you didn't win OW mobs you got 0 raid loot. That's the sort of attitude that guilds like TL lived by on Fippy, back when TLPs were hardcore. I frankly have never really understood the people that think OW is a big deal once they introduced AoC. I think if you have a lot of people who want to raid a lot, you should go after OW targets. But you shouldn't really confuse OW eq for anything skill based. Runing an automated tracker is not a skill based activity, bringing 150 people to a DPS race isn't a skill based activity (and I'm saying that as someone who has done both things.) I'm not dismissing open world entirely and I've done plenty of open world raiding, I'm just saying it's been a straight meme on TLP since the day Phinny launched, mostly existing to serve the drama lust of casuals who likely never could have persisted on the old school TLPs.
Everything you said here is a subjective opinion. He could literally respond that you've never known the glory either. It's like morals in history, they are not a constant. They change and adapt over time. Everyone knows TLP's on the top end is a snowball effect. The guild that starts winning the most generally snowballs with recruitment early on. I don't think this will be true for a server like mischief, but on all other tlp's it was true. You say that that pre-aoc servers, the glory and competition was preventing other guilds from being able to progress. Ok sure, but is that really competition? That just means whichever guild wins early and snowballs, will never lose because they have all the gear. How is that hard-core or competitive? At that time sure it was compared to everything else the game had to offer, but things change. That's like saying a game of football is competitive where one team is in full helmets pads and cleets and the other team is running around barefoot in shorts and a t-shirt. One could argue that OW is far more competitive on AoC servers because losing guilds can still gear through AoC's and be able to compete.
The thing is, people like doing OW because it's something to do in eras where there is not much at all to do. Also tons of people really enjoy DPS races despite what a lot of you try to say. Aradune definitely proved this. Aradune had more dps races on raid mobs than every server phinny and beyond combined. TEB alone has had over 200 DPS races against 12 different guilds. People love it. That's where all their memories are from and their favorite times on the server, from the dps races. That's where the glory comes from today. Do you think a lot of those races the guilds actually thought they were going to win? Probably not, they did it for the fun of it. Maybe they want to see where they parse in comparison. You could argue pre-aoc servers poopsocking mobs that had no hp and insta blew up on spawn was the casual shit and not competitive at all.
As far as OW just being a numbers game, whichever raid having the most people will win and there being no skill to it, that's definitely not entirely true and it's usually the standard go to for the losing side to say this. Maybe back in your day on servers you played on it was where both guilds just mindlessly rushed the mob together, but that's not really the case today in most DPS races. If you're in a guild that decides to DPS race another guild and you have 60 and they have 100 but you didn't get a single person in that top 20 parse, were the numbers even relevant? The skill is all in the leaders calls and the raids ability to listen to those calls and execute. Numbers don't always mean everything. If that were true, then all the times TEB were out numbered we would have lost then right? We would have lost on the dps race where we had 39 vs 90+ right? But we didn't, why?
This is just a devil's advocate alternative perspective. This is also, all a subjective opinion. I do really love though when all the people on this forum try to talk about the state of TLP's and how they actually are when they haven't played the high pop servers since like phinny or agnarr. Things have changed so much since then. And trust me, I completely understand. I also used to be one of those "back in my day" people and "things will never be as hardcore as they were back then" people or the "phinny was the greatest server with the best guilds and best players" people. But then mangler and aradune came around and I realized just how absolute shit at the game and unorganized people from those prior servers were, myself included. That's why so many people on this forum who only played in the old tlp's, or only played phinny, or skipped everything between phinny and selos constantly try to talk shit about mangler and aradune, saying things like no competition etc, because they are trying so hard to hold on to their "glory days" pretending like they were some hot shit. You weren't. I wasn't. No one was. We were all a collective group of absolute dog shit players relative to the ones of today.
Edit: Also to add for the people who posted one raid mobilizes so the other doesn't. Who the fuck cares? Are you that scared to try and potentially lose just because a guild started mobilizing first? We used to sometimes WAIT for a guild to mobilize on a spawn and even give them a head start on numbers in zone before we called the mob just so we could race. Of course that risk blew up in our face a time or two, but it was still fun to try. That's why so many of you talk about no competition on TLP's etc cause of course there is none if you are literally afraid to create it and afraid to lose.