I think MIschief as a ruleset is the most fun I've had in EQ since the "glory days". However, Luclin start just adds so much goddamn QOL to the game that it's insane not to start there. To say nothing of the extra content for leveling, BLs, AAs, etc.I loved selo.... was so much fun starting in luclin.
Can we talk about what really matters? Whose got some Kronos for sale? Send those pm’s.
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I think MIschief as a ruleset is the most fun I've had in EQ since the "glory days". However, Luclin start just adds so much goddamn QOL to the game that it's insane not to start there. To say nothing of the extra content for leveling, BLs, AAs, etc.
I think MIschief as a ruleset is the most fun I've had in EQ since the "glory days". However, Luclin start just adds so much goddamn QOL to the game that it's insane not to start there. To say nothing of the extra content for leveling, BLs, AAs, etc.
Fuck these kid servers and the people trying to rerail, let's keep talking Selo. I'mma write more in this post than GRRM has in 2 years.
A lot of people get into a mindset that because something works it must have been the right decision or even the best decision when in reality sometimes you can suck out, sometimes you were always going to pass regardless, etc. Having read over Gris' planning stuff I would like to say with relative confidence that had you guys not touched emp and Amtrak had stuck to his planned timetable, we would have gotten VT in the same time (maybe faster!) and lost nothing. Your emp kill was so brutally well timed that we actually HAD to return fire or else the guild was going to literally implode. When we did our emp, we actually wiped on the first attempt with the healers out of mana and him not anywhere close to down.
depends how hard in the paint you want to go. You could buy grey suede boots and spirit wracked cords and shit like that if you wanted to go wild.What monk gear is worth twinking up with on here? Necro isn't really lighting my fire the way it did 20 years ago. Too bad I didn't realize this during that huge bonus we had.
TStaff, Fungi Tunic, epic pieces at some point, +HP jewelry, bunch of Rat Ears...anything else worth buying in particular?
Good. I can't wait for Luclin to absolutely destroy Kronolords. If Krono didn't exist, I'd agree that they need to cap the "bonus" loot tables a rare can roll to 1 extra at most. None of this quadruple+ loot going on right now. But, because Kronolord losers exist, I'm glad this server will pound their assholes come bazaar.Loot inflation is going to be really bad come pop. I like the random loot and the non no drop loot but the bonus loot is just too much.
I did the same thing with my Paladin and regret it (realized I want to do a tank this go-around). I put him on the "back-burner" because melee are so gear dependent and I wanted to get my enc/mage combo to 60 to twink him out. But, I'm kind of regretting not just leveling him as far as I could while the bonus was on, instead focusing on the enc/mage.Too bad I didn't realize this during that huge bonus we had.
You can skip tstaff since the proc is for 55+? You can basically just go with a jade mace and a stave of shielding for leveling then get your epic.
Grab a fungi tunic, full set of +hp gear. Get yourself a peggi cloak and jboots and your mandatory dark elf mask for FashionQuest~
What level are you? We should group together. I haven’t had this much fun in years with EQ. (Probably Phinny or EQmac)What monk gear is worth twinking up with on here? Necro isn't really lighting my fire the way it did 20 years ago. Too bad I didn't realize this during that huge bonus we had.
TStaff, Fungi Tunic, epic pieces at some point, +HP jewelry, bunch of Rat Ears...anything else worth buying in particular?
Both guilds? I thought there was only one guild?What level are you? We should group together. I haven’t had this much fun in years with EQ. (Probably Phinny or EQmac)SorrowsEnd
Zaide and
Kayak hooked me up and got me going. I’m taking it nice and slow and enjoying the ride thanks!
I’m missing out on all the drama being late to the show but I got homies in both guilds so it’s all good.
Yeah, we'll be like 2-3 weeks into Velious by then, right? That should give me enough time to get the Paladin twinked out decent.Adamantite club is another good monk twink option. It should be pretty cheap because it drops quite often. Much better ratio than something like a jade mace.
Also, Labor Day weekend should have a double XP bonus so if you're regretting your class choices there will be another good period to level up an alt soon. It will likely only be Friday to Monday, though.
Both guilds? I thought there was only one guild?
Well if you must have a Tstaff I saw 2 for sale yesterday for 3kr and 2kr +10k pp.
I sold one right after kunark launch the other week for 8kr so the price has plummeted hard.
And frankly 3kr for an item is basically nothing.
Sidenote: I'm making it a point now if someone complains in guild chat about the cost of gate potions or field of bone pots for racing OW targets I'm just putting them on ignore. When you can sell a single krono for 14k+ plat in this era there is no reason ever to cry about the plat cost for consumables.