Let's fuckin' goooooooooo. Might finally be able to push my Shaman to 60.
My brain says make a SK to box with the cleric but my heart says make a wizard.
Nah, you had it right.Have epic, Fist of Nature, and primal fist.
What’s my best play, proc avatar, then FoN / empty epic offhand?
Or is there a scenario where I would want to keep primal fist wraps offhand?
Have epic, Fist of Nature, and primal fist.
What’s my best play, proc avatar, then FoN / empty epic offhand?
Or is there a scenario where I would want to keep primal fist wraps offhand?
This sounds like some epic gameplay, lolTo min/max proc avatar then fon main and epic offhand until about a min or so left on avatar then switch primal back in until it procs then repeat.
For EQ, this is intense APM.This sounds like some epic gameplay, lol
Yes, it broke fartaunt. That being said, the taunt changes massively fucked up aggro in general. There was a post with a ton of replies in the EQ Bugs forum and it's currently listed as "fixed internally" - so we'll see with the next patch if they fixed aggro issues while still breaking fartaunt(which was their goal) or if they just revert the changes.For those in the know, did the taunt changes from the last patch affect far taunting?