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Rangers are a very fun class to play. They're quite versatile which is nice. Pretty much one of the more robust melee classes. Can bow, melee, tank decently, etc.
About when does their tanking ability start to wane / end outright?
Rangers are a very fun class to play. They're quite versatile which is nice. Pretty much one of the more robust melee classes. Can bow, melee, tank decently, etc.
In terms of MTing for a group? They're totally adequate until at least TSS as group tanks. After that the gap starts to slowly widen between them and knights/warriors as expansions go on. But, I'd say they're never really completely inadequate. Obviously their chain vs. plate puts them at a slight AC disadvantage, but they're definitely solid for a long while. Plus, they can save a raid in a pinch if the tanks get splatted and the rangers did an adequate job of building agro - weaponshield is the tits.About when does their tanking ability start to wane / end outright?
with true shot we’re currently top dps too
Try parsing an entire raid and lmk how you do.
1. wiz = 823.60K@213 in 3851s {XXX}, 11. wiz = 345.25K@171 in 2016s
**edit** wiz is 100% a tryhard and full AA'd.
My ranger was number 1 on GIGs full VT clear last week. Rangers are by far the number 1 sustained DPS until GoD. They do a little worse in SSRA and some Velious targets cause the mobs have really high AC, but they should 100% be topping VT, Fire, Water, Time ect.
Are any of the rogues in your guild familiar with the movement, autoattack, and backstab keys?
Might want to elevate them.
Are any of the rogues in your guild familiar with the movement, autoattack, and backstab keys?
Might want to elevate them.
Top will always be a ranger or a wizard depending on what you're fighting.
GIG rogues are all casuals or low econ. But if rogues are beating Rangers in SoL or PoP your Rangers suck.
In my experience with GiG its very rare you have a raid that sets up rogues to do their best, a lot of ping ponging mobs and even a single missed backstab will destroy overall DPS in a competition aspect.
Mostly true here. Considering that we have 3 active rogues only one is any bit hardcore. Myself, I don't have the cool jobs that let me play at work or work from home and the majority of batphones seem to happen before 4p.m.. No way am I able to make it to that.
Certainly true about beating rangers in SoL and I'm sure a lot has changed since I played originally on live but I remember the gap closing a lot in PoP once everyone got geared and AA's.
This is still true. I was basically the only rogue in the last half of SoV and, with the exception of one member of leadership, when groups would get made for splits I'd often end up in a "leftovers" group with the one paladin, a druid, ect. and this is still the case BTW. Which would mean I'd have to joust AE's instead of getting bard songs to resist and never would get ATK songs and bard epic proc. Just forget about getting Avatar from any shaman except my broMoglyzoke Moogleman so I had to rely on avatar weapons which are super unreliable at times. AHR was down to 45% before I got my first proc the other night.
So spending a lot of time using sub-par weapons for a vital proc, in a group not designed for melee dps, being denied vital buffs, and a lot of mobs being tanked with their asses in the wall. I still would be in the top 10 DPS on most boss fights in SoV and along with our super try hard wizard would be the only non-monks in the top 10 there. I'm not saying that'd make me top dps by any means but it is kinda unfair to judge rogues vs other DPS in situations like this. Hell, made a meme about it a while back waiting for a Fay pull.
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Mostly true here. Considering that we have 3 active rogues only one is any bit hardcore. Myself, I don't have the cool jobs that let me play at work or work from home and the majority of batphones seem to happen before 4p.m.. No way am I able to make it to that.
Certainly true about beating rangers in SoL and I'm sure a lot has changed since I played originally on live but I remember the gap closing a lot in PoP once everyone got geared and AA's.