EQ TLP - Mischief (Free Trade / Random Loot)


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I can't wait to fucking ditch this class. I only rolled one to help gear/plvl up my Paladin, but groups are ridiculous. "Hey, we're gonna need you to charm, make sure to haste it and recharm the breaks, mez all the shit our shitty puller doesn't split, and keep up clarity/haste buffs. Oh, we might also need you to slow too, because our Shaman has a rough life". Ok, sounds good man, what's the mage gonna do? "Well, he's going to spend 90% of his time afk or watching Netflix". So, he isn't even going to /assist main, /pet attack? "Nah, dude. That's what your charm is for lololol".
Lol it seems the same on p99 too, except at least people have a bit more of a realistic expectation of what 1 single Enchanter is capable of. I don't think people realize how mana intensive all that shit is. I'll take an ENC in my group all day with a bare minimum charm, because guess what? They're still out damaging anyone else. Anything else is a big bonus. Afk int casters drive me crazy. Particularly the ones that just purposely blow all their mana on 1 pull, which barely helps us do jack shit, and then proceed to afk.
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Trakanon Raider
Boltran's is main upgrade is the cast time. You can Tash+Boltran's in a single color stun. You CANNOT tash+allure in a single color stun. Even if you're charming a lower pet you should almost always be using Boltran's.

In some zones the different between a level 51 and 53 pet is pretty insane. In Velks and Epic clicked Tola Robed Hunter will do 300+ DPS a normal 51ish Crystal Spider won't even do 150.
Are you comparing a 53 rogue pet to a 51 warrior pet? I am pretty sure there are 51 rogue pets and I doubt they do half the DPS of a 53 rogue pet.

Unless there are 0 lvl 51 rogue pets. But, I feel like there has to be.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Even if you're charming a lower pet you should almost always be using Boltran's.
What? 155 MORE mana for nearly 2/3rds less duration, which makes it even MORE mana intensive/inefficient. Why would you do this? Boltran's should literally only be used for 52s and 53s. And you can't get tash+allure off in a single color stun? Stun lasts 8s, tash is 1, allure is 6, GCD is 1.5. I mean, I guess you can get frontal stunned in that .5s window, but it's rare and I've never had a non-frontal stun interruption in that .5s difference. Plus, why the fuck are you tashing EVERY break? Shit lasts 12m, almost as long as Allure and basically the duration of 2 Boltran's.

And yeah, some mobs do have pretty insane DPS differences, especially if going to a 53 means you get something that backstabs or whatever. My issue isn't that Boltran's should NEVER be used, my issue is that it's a pretty fucking shitty "upgrade" to Allure and only really useable under pretty specific circumstances/scenarios. And to make it worse, you don't get a fucking upgrade to it until goddamn PoP, by which time charm is starting to lose effectiveness anyhow.
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Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
I don’t even remember anyone charming back in the day. Actually the only thing I remember is groups getting annoyed by charming because they thought it was overly dangerous.
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Trakanon Raider
Are you comparing a 53 rogue pet to a 51 warrior pet? I am pretty sure there a 51 rogue pets and I doubt they do half the DPS of a 53 rogue pet.

Unless there are 0 lvl 51 rogue pets. But, I feel like there has to be.

No, all the Crystal spiders including the Hunters are Rogues, the spiders with fur are warriors. The gap between a Dragoon/53 Dog, vs a 49-51 pet in Chardok is about 25%. But this is somewhat zone dependent. In Seb the hardest hitting pets are the Shroom Reavers and they can be 51-57, so you can charm the hardest hitting pet with Allure.

But again the big upgrade is in the cast time.


Trakanon Raider
What? 155 MORE mana for nearly 2/3rds less duration, which makes it even MORE mana intensive/inefficient. Why would you do this?

You having mana problems with a chanter? have you tried casting ToT? Are you doing something silly like Using Dazzle or Kintaz instead of using Entrall?
  • 1Galaxy Brain
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Trakanon Raider
Boltrans does have a -10MR check too. But, yeah. I still prefer allure if I am boxing 6+ toons. If I was playing just the chanter, it's probably pretty easy, as long as your cleric isn't AFK. But, man those 53 spiders will fuck you up fast on charm breaks.

I remember why I originally started boxing back in the day. Clerics are often so bad. I remember switching to my box cleric because all my group clerics were oom and I couldn't figure out why. I start boxing a cleric and I am standing on that cleric 90% of the time and he is FM in the same groups. Like, wtf are the regular clerics spending all their god damn mana on that my box cleric can never meditate and still stay FM and the real cleric seems to be unable to lol.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
You having mana problems with a chanter? have you tried casting ToT? Are you doing something silly like Using Dazzle or Kintaz instead of using Entrall?
Kintaz has to be used on shit 56 or 57, which Chardok has a fair amount of. And yeah, I mentioned I was having mana issues because I could rarely sit with our tanks shit agro.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I remember why I originally started boxing back in the day. Clerics are often so bad. I remember switching to my box cleric because all my group clerics were oom and I couldn't figure out why. I start boxing a cleric and I am standing on that cleric 90% of the time and he is FM in the same groups. Like, wtf are the regular clerics spending all their god damn mana on that my box cleric can never meditate and still stay FM and the real cleric seems to be unable to lol.

They tend to use their highest level flash heals for shit dps that get hit once or twice. Use highest level group heals with 90% of it being overheals. Spamming tanks with flash heals because they are afk most of the time not paying attention to use CH and throughout most fights will stand waiting for a moment to heal instead of medding until needed.

Just a total shitshow of mana inefficiency to the max all over. Playing a cleric is one of the easiest jobs there is but if you have a smooth brain the idea of overhealing just doesnt factor in.


Trakanon Raider
Kintaz has to be used on shit 56 or 57, which Chardok has a fair amount of. And yeah, I mentioned I was having mana issues because I could rarely sit with our tanks shit agro.

I hear stronger hasted charm pets have a fair bit of agro. ToT is like 30 mana/tick.


Trakanon Raider
We leveled basically two groups through Chardok using Boltran's and it was fast and I don't remember much about it being a problem. There are some negatives for Boltran's vs Allure, but it was never a real issue. We had groups built around multi-charming though.


Molten Core Raider
Keys havent been selling for 12 krono since day 3 of Kunark unless you are on TB and its compeltely different. An entire key can be bought up for like 6.

Random drops and the 2 quest medallions can be acquired in 2-3 hours depending on rng. Kaesora can take a little luck, which ends up leaving you with swamp that your better off buying. This key quest is a joke compared to past iterations.
TB full key + trak tooth is about 3kr


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Boltrans does have a -10MR check too. But, yeah. I still prefer allure if I am boxing 6+ toons. If I was playing just the chanter, it's probably pretty easy, as long as your cleric isn't AFK. But, man those 53 spiders will fuck you up fast on charm breaks.

I remember why I originally started boxing back in the day. Clerics are often so bad. I remember switching to my box cleric because all my group clerics were oom and I couldn't figure out why. I start boxing a cleric and I am standing on that cleric 90% of the time and he is FM in the same groups. Like, wtf are the regular clerics spending all their god damn mana on that my box cleric can never meditate and still stay FM and the real cleric seems to be unable to lol.
The -MR check is mostly moot, because you're usually charming lower level shit. Plus, I think I can count the times I've thrown out a non-tashed charm on 1 hand. I've literally never had a charm resist on anything equal or lower level. Like I said, Boltran's definitely has its purpose and uses, but to pretend it's a straight "upgrade" over Allure is like thinking Kintaz is a straight upgrade over Enthrall or Dazzle. It basically boils down to, "it depends", and with that specific group I wasn't going to move to a goon from a lego just to add another 10-15% DPS, when we could've easily picked that up by our mage not being fucking AFK 90% of the time. I guess I could've just charmed an unhasted dragoon to shut the retard up, but then it'd have likely done less dps than a hasted 49 lego.

I just needed to rant a little about the expectations that a chanter basically carry a fucking group while half of them sit afk, then getting their fuckin dick all twisted because I didn't want to get obliterated by a hasted 53 pet again.

Yeah, I don't fucking get clerics either. I think a lot of them are either overhealing like a motherfucker or are too busy throwing out meaningless stuns.


Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
Naked boxing a chanter and necro and charming all the way up on selos was bad for my mental health. Wild ride to naked 60,

we ran triple charm through chardok with druid + necro + enchanter was a really interesting combo for the spot heals (druid) on top of the ghetto cc + enchanter.


ResetEra Staff Member
The -MR check is mostly moot, because you're usually charming lower level shit.
Facts. Once MR is effectively debuffed to 0, it cannot go lower.

Charisma adds more of a bonus to MR debuffs on charm. The charm with the actual MR debuff will be useful for charming similar-level creatures, as it's harder to pass a MR check on them due to their level versus your spell casting level.

Torven did some parsing on live, and the formula for charm really didn't change, as it's just a magic resist check vs the NPC in question. The spell resist formula changed various times, most major changes were 2006 and 2013. A lot of data (including Torven's own data) was clobbered with misinformation at first about the effects of CHA. Recent testing proves that CHA debuffs MR, as the duration for a level 85 character casting charm versus a level 50 character with highest-level charm didn't seem to matter on a level 1 target. The caster's effective level was far too high and the levels on the creature did not seem to matter.

This also means the Total Domination AA just boosts the amount of effective MR debuffed. It does not make you immune to failing a check, or reduce the frequency of checks.


Trakanon Raider
So when aradune opened, from what I'm told at least, a lot of the unwanted scummy people left mangler for it and that server got a lot better.

If mischief at least (if not also thornblade?) is now full of shitty people... has aradune noticeably improved by chance? Or is it still karen infested?

It's the same every cycle. Most of the scummiest people move the the new servers and those that remain are just people that want to group and raid Gates and Omens (and hopefully beyond)

Aradune group game is pretty quiet at the moment, there was a bump with the xp week, and probably a new bump next week when LDoN drops, lot's of players are max or almost max aa and just raid logging. Or they only group with guildies etc.

And as I said a week ago the 2 box limit is basically ignored and not enforced, plenty of people 3 or 4 boxing with impunity. Worst case scenario for Aradune is people will eventually transfer across to Rizlona to continue but we are a long ways off that yet.

Still 20 or so guilds farming PoTime


Trakanon Raider
Conducted a small experiment today.

When Iogged in I said hello in guild chat and immediately started a 5 min timer.

Took my dog outside and came back after the 5 minutes had expired.

17 tell windows consisting of:

Can I afk exp in your group?
Are you PLing?
Can you level my ****?
Can you load up you group and kill **** for my epic?
and 1 Fuck You!

This is why I rock /anon on all toons and ignore many many tells a day.

Sidenote: respawn time on Marl for the SK epic is ridiculous. 10 hours or so for a quest turn in that poofs the npc for some reason? I know it used to be 33 hours but still it is a horrible mechanic to sit at a spawn point for hours to just have to race for a turn in, not even a mob kill, and upset other players trying to work on their quest as well.
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Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
Sidenote: respawn time on Marl for the SK epic is ridiculous. 10 hours or so for a quest turn in that poofs the npc for some reason? I know it used to be 33 hours but still it is a horrible mechanic to sit at a spawn point for hours to just have to race for a turn in, not even a mob kill, and upset other players trying to work on their quest as well.

You just kill Caradon and you marl problems disappear. huehuehuehiehuiehuehuehuehuehuehue
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Trakanon Raider
Conducted a small experiment today.

When Iogged in I said hello in guild chat and immediately started a 5 min timer.

Took my dog outside and came back after the 5 minutes had expired.

17 tell windows consisting of:

Can I afk exp in your group?
Are you PLing?
Can you level my ****?
Can you load up you group and kill **** for my epic?
and 1 Fuck You!

This is why I rock /anon on all toons and ignore many many tells a day.

Sidenote: respawn time on Marl for the SK epic is ridiculous. 10 hours or so for a quest turn in that poofs the npc for some reason? I know it used to be 33 hours but still it is a horrible mechanic to sit at a spawn point for hours to just have to race for a turn in, not even a mob kill, and upset other players trying to work on their quest as well.
You're so cool.
  • 1Salty
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