EQ TLP - Mischief (Free Trade / Random Loot)


Lord Nagafen Raider
They do 3 months because it worked well for awhile. People now realise they want it a little faster but Darkpaw doesn't move quickly at making changes.


The guild I’m in raids 4 days a week and sucks at it. 2-3 days a week is the sweet spot for me. About to bounce for greener pastures but wanted to see how things work here since I’ve never raided on a TLP before.


ResetEra Staff Member
Daybreak should do a permadeath PVE server with an Agnarr ruleset + roguelike mechanics w/ Mischief random loot.

Attacks that instantly kill you (ie; HT) will not cause permadeath.
Death under any other circumstance, even if intentionally trained, would cause permadeath, and your corpse would remain in the world for 7 days.

Corpses could be looted by subsequent attempts on the same account. After 7 days, the corpse becomes FFA, and disappears after 30.

Expansions are unlocked once open world content is completed successfully. No instances.

That'd be fun for a good couple months.
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<Gold Donor>
Daybreak should do a permadeath PVE server with an Agnarr ruleset + roguelike mechanics w/ Mischief random loot.

Attacks that instantly kill you (ie; HT) will not cause permadeath.
Death under any other circumstance, even if intentionally trained, would cause permadeath, and your corpse would remain in the world for 7 days.

Corpses could be looted by subsequent attempts on the same account. After 7 days, the corpse becomes FFA, and disappears after 30.

That'd be fun for a good month.
No rez server.


Tranny Chaser
Permadeath is too much but you could have extreme death penalties also paired with boosted exp. Die at 50 and get punted back to say, 46. It would hurt super bad but you could fix it in a couple hours.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Honestly unless the next server is just wild its going to be a dud. They should just do a mangler clone in March to get it over with so Mischief will stay strong until 2023 when whatever that server is will be popular.


Tranny Chaser
I expect next year to get one Mischief clone and one Mangler/Aradune clone and that's it with perhaps some minor tweaking. I really don't expect them to go big again on the very next cycle.

If next spring they want to make me look like a big dumb for saying that they have my support.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The only thing they could really do to improve Mischief is remove gay as fuck Truebox limits (doesn't stop the "real" Kronolords from doing what they do and only hurts the average person/later expansion server population).

That said, I think the next server announcements will likely be fairly basic.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Having a BLAST here on Mischief. Jvirus, 40ish wizard. Had a few krono laying around and bought a sorc robe. Lvl 1 400-500 dmg nuke haha, so dumb and fun to just frolic and nuke shit like sloooow moving artillery. Oy though fucking challenging to get spells mid level, it seems people just power through it as finding research mats takes more time than simply grinding to 60.
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El Presidente
Having a BLAST here on Mischief. Jvirus, 40ish wizard. Had a few krono laying around and bought a sorc robe. Lvl 1 400-500 dmg nuke haha, so dumb and fun to just frolic and nuke shit like sloooow moving artillery. Oy though fucking challenging to get spells mid level, it seems people just power through it as finding research mats takes more time than simply grinding to 60.
also people don't bother selling 50 plat things very often when there's tons of multi krono items always being bought and sold. Bazaar will help with this in a few weeks though.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Mischief with full boxing would probably be pretty popular.
After playing on Mischief a while, I wish they would have done that instead. I dont enjoy using two computers just to do basic stuff, and guys like Xeoo blow my mind with the full group of boxes that are legitimately real boxes. If I could just alt tab, I'd have way more fun I think.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
After playing on Mischief a while, I wish they would have done that instead. I dont enjoy using two computers just to do basic stuff, and guys like Xeoo blow my mind with the full group of boxes that are legitimately real boxes. If I could just alt tab, I'd have way more fun I think.
It's more the annoyance factor for me. I 3 box(if I had more room I'd do 4 - I'm a degenerate), but just getting everything setup, cluttering my office with laptops, wires, mice, numpads, etc. is something I'd rather just not have to deal with. Especially since I've never once played on a Truebox server where there weren't still Kronolords dominating spawns, epic mobs, etc. Like I said, it only fucks the "little guy" and is yet another example of Karens making something worse for themselves that you're not going to avoid, because tech is 22 years older and more sophisticated than 1999.

If we had some better mirroring software out there it'd be fine, but multiplicity and such isn't the greatest.


It’s cool people get good at it, but it just feels sooo clunky and reminds me of Sam. Gimme that alt tab box life. Nothing beats mq/kissassist/eqbc but I don’t fuck with those on db servers.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
It’s cool people get good at it, but it just feels sooo clunky and reminds me of Sam. Gimme that alt tab box life. Nothing beats mq/kissassist/eqbc but I don’t fuck with those on db servers.
That's really the biggest issue for me - it's just clunky as shit. Even if you use relatively "passive" classes as boxes, it's still clunky as shit.


Trakanon Raider
It's always clunky as shit.

3 boxes is the sweet spot for me on truebox.

For raids I usually bring my warrior bard and druid.

Warrior on main pc is pretty easy to set up with autoattack, bard is going to just be running melody and some basic melee to proc epic and then i'll take over druid and dps/heal while swapping back to the warrior as needed.

I run a full group when I'm out in the world doing things but no way is that any where as close to being as effective as if I was running them all on 1 pc with isboxer like on live. It would be great at level 70 if they just removed truebox so the server could multibox as needed to keep the community alive.
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
It's always clunky as shit.

3 boxes is the sweet spot for me on truebox.

For raids I usually bring my warrior bard and druid.

Warrior on main pc is pretty easy to set up with autoattack, bard is going to just be running melody and some basic melee to proc epic and then i'll take over druid and dps/heal while swapping back to the warrior as needed.

I run a full group when I'm out in the world doing things but no way is that any where as close to being as effective as if I was running them all on 1 pc with isboxer like on live. It would be great at level 70 if they just removed truebox so the server could multibox as needed to keep the community alive.

You are legitimately one of the biggest ass clowns I've ever met in EQ.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
In my experience any time someone is gone for two weeks or more they don’t come back to regular play for a long time or until the next server.

i'll be back.gif
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Korzax Stonehammer

Blackwing Lair Raider
Daybreak should do a permadeath PVE server with an Agnarr ruleset + roguelike mechanics w/ Mischief random loot.

Attacks that instantly kill you (ie; HT) will not cause permadeath.
Death under any other circumstance, even if intentionally trained, would cause permadeath, and your corpse would remain in the world for 7 days.

Corpses could be looted by subsequent attempts on the same account. After 7 days, the corpse becomes FFA, and disappears after 30.

Expansions are unlocked once open world content is completed successfully. No instances.

That'd be fun for a good couple months.
So your suggestion is to make it not like EQ at all.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think after 20 some years and the same thing each season thats the idea.