If you want to do gear checks in order to keep krono leeches out of a GDKP guild, that is perfectly fine. However, if that's all you are going to do and then constantly complain about peoples gear in voice as the "clear" reason raids are taking longer while simultaneously leading raids completely wrong, that is what I'm referring to in my above post.
hah I was just waiting and anticipating some noob to try and bring heal parses/ch rots from GIG up considering all of the main people in GIG who I am referring to that have no understanding of early era raiding liked to bring this up, which is why I didn't elaborate further in the above post to what I meant by not understanding basics cause I knew I'd have a chance to elaborate in a future post. I'll respond to that the same way I responded to Krim and a couple other officers from GIG when they initially brought up my heal parses. I'm not going to play incorrectly just because the raid leaders and officers have no clue what they are doing and what they should be looking at, and are making the raid as slow as possible due to their lack of understanding. I also don't care enough to correct them mainly due to their attitude and ego. So if they want to continue running raids this way and have the ignorance to msg me about heal parses, I'm not going to care and every CH rot I'm put in I'm just going to run my CH Rot python script and go afk because the CH rot is completely pointless in the way it is being used.
I'll give an example from an OW ToV full clear that I initially received comments about from leadership regarding my heal parse, and is a good example because this is how all raids were ran that I at least were a part of and just shows clearly the lack of understanding of efficient EQ raiding basics.
In an OW ToV full clear raid, we had 12 clerics. The cleric lead with the permission of the raid leader decided to make a 10 cleric CH rot for the raid and have 2 clerics splashing. This was common practice in most GIG raids that I was on. First of all, you NEVER run more than a 5 cleric CH rot, especially with that many clerics left over to splash. The primary reason you run a CH rot is for efficiency. It's so you don't need med breaks before or after boss fights. In that situation with 12 clerics, there should NEVER be a med break. There are other reasons you run CH rots depending on the situation, but in general that is the primary goal of a CH rot in a long clear raid. Due to the raid leaders and officers in gig ONLY caring about the total healing line in the parse for clerics, all of the clerics in the CH rots were basically forced to just duck 99% of their CH's and chain spam heal in hopes that they get in enough healing to not get scolded by the leadership. The result of this was that even with 12 clerics, they were all going OOM or under half mana on every single boss fight. So GIG was literally taking 5-10 min med breaks after every boss AND before every boss. So what the fuck was the actual point of the CH rot? It was doing absolutely nothing. Every cleric was just splashing on every boss fight and only putting out their CH rot text lines to make it appear as if that is what they were doing. The entire CH rot, how GIG ran it, was completely pointless. I hadn't seen a guild take that many med breaks before and after bosses because of cleric mana in a long time, especially when you have 100+ people there.
The raid leaders and officers, in terms of the people in the CH rot, SHOULD have only had 5 clerics in the rot and should have ONLY been looking at their overhealing to determine if they were properly ducking or not to save mana. Their TOTAL healing in a CH rot is completely and utterly irrelevant in the context of having 12 clerics. The total overheal and total healing should have only been looked at in terms of splash clerics outside of the rot. Instead, leadership was only concerned about the total healing parse line regardless if you were in the rot or not, leading ALL clerics to have to try and use up all of their mana in boss fights. The result: OOM and low mana clerics leading to long med breaks before and after boss fights and insane amounts of overhealing by everyone. This ONE failure to simply understand such a basic thing as running your clerics in a raid efficiently, led to GIG raids taking an hour or more time than what they should have. They could have literally just fixed this ONE problem and significantly reduced their raid times.