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To get back to your original point though... gear checking IS useful. Gear checking is not for the gear, it's to determine who doesn't give a shit, because not giving a shit is the #1 cause of slow raids.
I think it can be useful in certain context. I've never been big with harping on gear in raids I've ran across servers. In TEB gear was never a requirement. There were some members who would complain about undergeared people joining, but I would just try to explain the bigger picture to them and hope that they could at least understand my view point, even if they didn't think it was correct.
My thought process was always that there is already a dozen+ other things I'm harping about and trying to get people to do in order to increase speed and efficiency that I felt was more holistically important, that at some point it becomes too much for your average EQ player. Adding in gear requirements or complaining about peoples gear was just always something I felt was too much of a net negative to pursue. You not only have to take raid speed and efficiency in to consideration, you have to take attrition and longevity in to consideration. Sometimes those people who join undergeared or with missing slots that you are looking at as "not giving a shit" end up being loyal, long term net positive gains for the guild. There is actually 2 people still raiding in TEB to this day that when they joined were so shit geared for the era in which they joined that tons of people complained and asked me to boot them. But where are those people that complained now? Not raiding anymore, quit a long time ago. Gear isn't ALWAYS an indication of a shit player who doesn't care. Sure if you have a guy in your raid who is afk all the time, plays like he doesn't care, doesn't pay attention, AND has shit gear, then that is when you can use gear as one of the determining factors of deciding if a person is shit or not. But if a person joins with shit gear, missing slots, BUT knows wtf they are doing and is try harding with that gear, who cares? He'll get gear over time.