Tranny Chaser
Most decent raid guilds should keep those lists on their discords somewhere
The server is nowhere near sweaty enough for these mechanics to really get pushed. The strategy around encounter locking is still first order - use big clicks to break locks and if someone is bind rushing spam some shit and sit down. We're not even at the second order strat of buff blocking Cure Disease and Rune IV. No one's doing that. I bet there's not a single player on the entire server with a curated list for every class ready to go on a hotbar. The onion almost certainly has more layers and we're just never going to get there. If the 25th Anniversary server brings everyone out they'll 100% find a bunch more shit.
The endgame of this is really simple. You put a checkbox in the options menu that blocks by default every single beneficial spell that is cast on you from someone that is not in your raid, group or guild. Period. I don't want you casting anything on me ever unless I know your name and you've bought me dinner first [X].
This is an option, but it really isn’t. Because you need to get anyone that’s going to be on threat onboard with this and there are glaring spell coverage gaps being limited to 40.
The move isn’t target the puller or main tank to get on the mobs threat table, target the rando dps that you see autoing with something to get swords, then spam your threat building bene spells on yourself. With sitting+low health it’s guaranteed in early xpac.
Three paths I see, assuming FTE exists.
1. an option that beneficial spells enabled or disabled with the same granularity that corpse consent has
2. Treat engaged mobs locked to you identical to how you would in a dps race
3. Disable FTE on MotM, keep the dps race as it has been without the extra steps.
Sorta? Probably? It's pretty easy to have everyone block what is known to be the best of the best threat generators during open world raiding. Cure Disease from Shield of the Immaculate, Bladestopper for Rune IV and it's going to take a lot more work to get to the top of the threat meter. The longer it takes the longer you have to get an insurmountable lead in the dps race. Even so during the pull it's going to be really hard to keep a lock intact. A couple casts of basically any beneficial spell will be enough to break a lock if that puller dies or FDs. That's a ton of fucking pressure.
The entire thing is just so fucking clunky. Most of the time it doesn't matter even a little bit but when it does it feels really bad and the solutions to try and protect yourself and make the lock actually a lock aren't enough.