Honestly, I was hoping there would be more on Fippy in the last podcast, but I realize
was more a Vulak player than Fippy.
Fippy was one real whirlwind of a shitshow. I don't remember all the details, but there was major guild fighting over targets and the GMs stepped in and forced the guild leaders to work together. They ended up having meetings between the guild leaders every week to discuss schedules, rules, and what ever else. It was pretty comical from what I can remember because the rules were setup in such a way that it benefited the top guild.
As best I can remember, there was a set amount of time for the scheduled guild to engage a target, and if that guild couldn't get it down in time, any other guild could take it.
The guild I was in at the time was ran by a bard named Breeze (I think). That guild was so bad at raiding. They would literally take like 30 minutes discussing how to kill a raid target while everyone in the raid force would just be sitting there rebuffing over and over. It was a train wreck to say the least.
So, our time slot came up, and CT spawned. We mobilized to Fear, cleared everything out, and then we sat there.... and waited... and waited... and waited... buffing... rebuffing... watching YouTube.... taking a shit... going for a walk... taking a nap... just literally waiting on the officers to get done discussing how they are going to kill CT.
Meanwhile, TL had been sitting there in the corner of the zone waiting the whole time for our timer to be up because they knew our guild would not get it done in time. Any other raid guild would have killed CT and been out of there 20 minutes ago. Not our guild. Noooooo. Must plan! PLAN PLAN PLAN!
Long before this, I had basically had enough with being in the shitter raid guild on the server, and had contacted TL to app. I was already approved. I was just waiting for the most opportune time to drop my tag, and I got it that day.
After a good 30 minutes or more of discussing and rebuffing for the gazillionth time, we pull CT to the temple and proceed to wipe... of course... because clearly we didn't plan enough. Now mind you, I did NOT sabotage them. I just wanted to detag after we lost the fight. I did everything I needed to do on my part in that raid.
TL rolls in, kills CT like he's nothing, rez me, I detag in front of Breeze, and got tagged TL. Best decision I ever made.