And now, what many of you have been waiting for, our brand-new Progression Server named Oakwynd will launch in May as an Evolving Ruleset Progression Server.
"What does that mean?" you ask. As mentioned in passing before, this will be a truly experimental year. It starts out at launch with something we call Legacy characters and encounter locking. Then at each expansion unlock, an additional bonus will be added to the server. Note: the details of these rules are under development and may change before release.
Legacy characters allow your characters on the same account on the server to receive a semi-permanent experience bonus.
Additionally, this server will be our first attempt at encounter locking. In short, once an NPC is engaged, it will be locked to that character, group, or raid. Characters not part of the lock cannot contribute damage. Spells from outside characters will not land on the NPC. If an actively locked NPC loses aggro for a short time period, the NPC will go home, reset, then unlock.
- When players reach max level (for the current era) with a character, their account receives an experience bonus for all characters on that server.
- e.g., When a player has 1 max level character, their account receives a 10% bonus EXP buff.
- When a player has 2 max-level characters, the buff stacks. They now get 20% bonus EXP.
- This bonus caps at a 100% bonus.
- When the server's level cap increases, players will lose the buff until they get one of their characters to max level again, and the bonus starts again at 10%.
Now onto the Evolving part. For each expansion unlock, we're planning on adding the following benefits to the server. Each benefit will add to the existing instead of replacing the benefits active on the server (unless it's a higher value of an existing benefit). For example, using the list below, when The Scars of Velious unlocks, Legacy Characters, Encounter Locking, and a 125% modifier to the normal loot rate will already be unlocked and with the unlock a 125% modifier to the normal faction changes will be added. These are currently what we have planned for the unlocks:
Oakwynd will have the "Standard Unlock" schedule as many other progression servers. This is where new expansions unlock automatically every 8-12 weeks with the early expansions unlocking faster.
- Classic - Legacy Characters and Encounter Locking
- The Ruins of Kunark - Loot Modifier - 125%
- The Scars of Velious - Faction Modifier - 125%
- The Shadows of Luclin - AA EXP Modifier - 125%
- The Planes of Power - Coin Drop Modifier - 150%
- The Legacy of Ykesha - Lowered spawn timers on all NPCs - 85%
- Lost Dungeons of Norrath - Alternate Currency Modifier - 150%
- Gates of Discord - Tribute Donation Modifier - 200% - Relax Truebox to 3
- Omens of War - Rare Spawn Modifier - 200%
- Dragons of Norrath - Faction Modifier - 200%
- Depths of Darkhollow - Evolving Item EXP Modifier - 150%
- Prophecy of Ro – Chance to Increase Skills Modifier (includes Tradeskills) - 200%
- The Serpent's Spine - Loot Modifier - 200% - Remove Truebox
- The Buried Sea - Alternate Currency Modifier - 200%
- Secrets of Faydwer - Faction Modifier - 300%
- Seeds of Destruction - EXP Modifier - 125%
- Underfoot - Tribute Use Reduction - 75%
- House of Thule - AA EXP Modifier - 150%
- Veil of Alaris - Alternate Currency Modifier - 250%
- Rain of Fear - Collection Spawn Time Modifier - 75%
- Call of the Forsaken - Mercenary AA EXP Modifier - 200%
- The Darkened Sea - Lowered spawn timers on all NPCs - 70%
- The Broken Mirror - EXP Modifier - 150%
- Empires of Kunark - Rare Spawn Modifier - 300%
- Ring of Scale - AA EXP Modifier - 175%
- The Burning Lands - Luck Modifier - 125%
- Torment of Velious - Evolving Item EXP Modifier - 200%
- Claws of Veeshan - AA EXP Modifier - 200%
- Terror of Luclin - EXP Modifier - 200%
- Night of Shadows - Rare Spawn Modifier - 400%
Unlock Schedule:
True Box:
- Eight weeks after launch: Ruins of Kunark
- Eight weeks later: Scars of Velious
- Eight weeks later: Shadows of Luclin
- Eight weeks later: Planes for Power and Legacy of Ykesha
- Twelve weeks later: Lost Dungeons of Norrath
- Four weeks later: Gates of Discord
- At this point the schedule becomes consistent. Enjoy expansions for twelve weeks when a new level cap is unlocked, and eight weeks in expansions where the level cap stays the same.
- This server starts with standard True Box. Only one EverQuest client may be run per computer.
- When Omens of War unlocks, we will move to a Relaxed True Box. You may have up to 3 clients per computer logged into the server at the same time.
- When The Buried Sea unlocks, True Box will be removed.
Legacy characters: *shrug*. The benefits from having high-level characters around to plvl or simply buff you exceeds a measly 20% bonus. I don't know what problem this is supposed to fix.
I cant wait to go to a key camp or epic camp and just agro the mob for hours to not let others progress.
Server is DOA for sure, Foler you should have told them its wrong bro, SO SO WRONG BRO
If anything, this TLP ruleset just galvanizes the fact that no one at DBG is in tune with their customers at all. They literally have no clue what their customers want.I don't think it's for...anyone? Vaniki was a wreck in cool way like a demolition derby. This is more like an old lady slipping on her front steps and breaking her hip. It's just sad.
The other big first impression is how the fuck is Feign Death going to work. "If any actively locked NPC loses aggro for a short time period, the NPC will go home, reset, then unlock." What is a short period? Are traditional FD splits dead? You flop and wait for one dude to walk off and instead after a short time period everything just goes home. Can you engage something in that state or is it like WoW where you can't? The reset is the last part of the unlock. So if you pull something on to a group and flop is it just beating them and they can't damage it? If they can damage it and you stand back up at 51% then what happens? If it's just non-interactive can you cheese quest turn ins or splitting mobs? I'm really interested in seeing how the Monks interpret this.
I love how all of you insider instahoes have been mansplaining the server specifics and 100% of you were beating up Navy Seals.
If anything, this TLP ruleset just galvanizes the fact that no one at DBG is in tune with their customers at all. They literally have no clue what their customers want.
It really makes me wonder how they go so lucky with Mischief.
And how is locking going to work? We all going to have to run around with instant shit to lock named stuff in dungeons???!?
What’s the point of the exp bonus anyway? Dzs are account locked right?
Def disappointed was hoping for some free trade action.
You guys can always start up here: Project 1999 Guidebook - Project 1999
Seems like a better option.![]()
It provides a small incentive to make and maintain alts but meh. Get to level 50 and make a new character and the bonus is 10%? Vaniki would have benefited from something like this where you make it easier for people to play multiple characters because you're going to need comp variety for some of the challenges. Ten percent is just ass though. At least that first rank needs to be better.
"[o]nce an NPC is engaged, it will be locked to that character, group, or raid. Characters not part of the lock cannot contribute damage. Spells from outside characters will not land on the NPC. If an actively locked NPC loses aggro for a short time period, the NPC will go home, reset, then unlock."
So let's spend a moment on this.
All offensive support from characters outside the group damage no longer works. Your basic PLing in The Deep is dead. Helping a friend out by DPSing what they or their group is fighting is dead. Having someone's Enchanter do out of group CC is dead. Even if you're rocking a pure support class out of group they'll never be able to do some extra nukes or dots. No snaring, no Tash, no Malo, no slow, nothing. See a group getting fucked and want to help out with some CC? Maybe just take one off their hands? You can't. Right there that's a lot of the game that is just completely different. It really adds some firm rails to player interaction and group dynamics that just decrease options and make combat less dynamic and more constrained.
The other big first impression is how the fuck is Feign Death going to work. "If any actively locked NPC loses aggro for a short time period, the NPC will go home, reset, then unlock." What is a short period? Are traditional FD splits dead? You flop and wait for one dude to walk off and instead after a short time period everything just goes home. Can you engage something in that state or is it like WoW where you can't? The reset is the last part of the unlock. So if you pull something on to a group and flop is it just beating them and they can't damage it? If they can damage it and you stand back up at 51% then what happens? If it's just non-interactive can you cheese quest turn ins or splitting mobs? I'm really interested in seeing how the Monks interpret this.
I just don't know who wants 8 weeks of classic 8 weeks of Kunark and 16 weeks of PoP. Again.