-Forgotten Halls is the new starting zone. All amenities should now be in the starting zone.
-Flagging has changed. You can access any zone now except for Plane of Tranquility. NPCs that you are not flagged to kill will kill you instantly on aggro instead.
-NPC scaling has been revamped. We now use latest PEQ stats for all NPCs and scale their damage, health, mana, endurance, and stats down by percentages.
* All NPC have their stats reduced by 28%.
-Reagents have been removed as a requirement from all spells.
-General Merchants should now only sell generic items in the starting zone.
-All items that do not have a price value on them are now attuneable, and attune as soon as they are looted. You can use the Unattuner NPC in the new FHalls Starting Zone to unattune an item for 2000 platinum.
-Bard modifiers have been adjusted to have modifier + 0.4 for each of the spells.
-Enchanter characters, when charming an NPC, will now grant the NPC an 50% increase of base stats instead of the 28% reduction that the server has globally.
-Bosses are generally weaker than 28% less than PEQ stats to account for their already high base stats.
-Spells above 50 now have to be found or purchased throughout the world.