they can probly jail them if they can encase them in a material they are too low level to break.So a group of folks working together could rather quickly go around and bury everyone that's afk a mile deep once that depth is put in game ?
I made one rare with +4 movement speed but I can't use it. When I run with it on I am constantly out of sync with the server until a couple seconds after I stop.I crafted 2 rare messenger signets for extra movement speed
This guy has moved.This spot has an alabaster forge, gold work bench and an upgraded saw (forget the name).
You can make all the accessories here and every pick that is usable, as far as I know.
Considering you can create things that float in the air, don't hold your breath.What about a proper physics system good enough to know if your bridge isn't structurally sound enough to bare the weight of more than, say, 10 players and collapses if a certain weight is reached? Stuff like that? Have they talked about anything like that? What I mean is a bridge with no support beams/archs etc, a roof, whatever. I think that'd be really cool.