Our outlooks at the development are opposite and make this very much a semantical argument. I am of the opinion that nothing from EQNext can be a hand-me-down to Landmark, because Landmark is the base in every sense of the word. No real world development can even happen for EQNext yet because the tools needed to create the game haven't even been completed. SOE may have a ton of art people and lore people working on EQN, but all of the developing and programming right now is going into Landmark.
Now, it seems your view of Landmark is that it's just a means to an end, a bridge to the next EverQuest. I beg to differ; I see Landmark as being its own standalone platform on which people make their own experiences. EQN is going to be Sony's experience, but who knows what else will come of it? Sony recognizes this as well and it's partially why they dropped EQ from the name entirely.
I welcome your rebuttal. Hopefully without an attempt at insulting my intelligence.