actually you think you could put up walls or even glass wall props to hold th ewater back, this giving you a dry spot in the middle? you could put up walls, then dig down below the water to have it move down a few so that it's more under your 'house'?This batch of water. Pretty much the only people who sound like they have anything to worry about is if you built on sandy areas that have the sea shells on them. If that is you I strongly suggest moving your claim before this hits but we are looking at probably a few weeks before that goes live I would guess.
Still it should make the edges of the island less like living at the cliffs of hell and more like you live on an island haha.
Possibly but the problem sounds like at least at the initial implementation you are basically going to be doing the jesus thing of walking on the water and depending how deep it is you may not be able to reach down far enough to manipulate stuff to add your walls. It sounds like it may be somewhat possible if you are situated close enough though to do a trench moat. Sounds like it probably will not go very far from the shore but may be enough. Also sounds like some claimable islands may appear with the ocean stuff too which may make for some fun if isolated build areas.actually you think you could put up walls or even glass wall props to hold th ewater back, this giving you a dry spot in the middle? you could put up walls, then dig down below the water to have it move down a few so that it's more under your 'house'?
Not quite true it looks like it has some deformability as shown by them mining near the shoreline. Will be interested to mess around with it a bit when it goes live to see what can and can't be done with it.Not for this first phase. This first pass at water isn't going to be voxel-based; it's functionally going to be one big prop, so no mining through it, or otherwise altering its shape.