Let's hope SOE has the common sense to have an actual queue.I want an, "I survived 1017" T-shirt.
That's a penis.Tweeted by Pentapod... First ass.... And is that water voxels I see?
It would be cool if the mobs just found your dungeon, and decided to live there.Speaking far off in EQL timeline , (no idea if we are talking summer or what ) ,I'm really interested in seeing the tools to create mobs. So far it's all been buildings and resource gathering , but there have to be tools to make the mobs at some point. Creativity along with blatant copyright infractions could run wild here with that , and coming up with my own Venger NPC plus some wild custom mobs I could really get into.
Probably no more than 6, which is in the realm of manageable, apparently.Wonder how many plots it's going to take to rebuild Grobb.