Europa Universalis IV


Molten Core Raider
Looking forward to the 1.9 patch. They're adding a bunch more achievements that look pretty interesting and focused on countries that don't have many already.


CCan anybody recommend a decent Let's Play for somebody interested in starting the game? Youtube's awash with them, but I've got no fucking idea which one I'd be best served watching.


2 Minutes Hate
I just bought the game off the steam sale. Dunno what I'm doing in this game. Haven't had time to jump in deep though.

Mountain Man_sl

I've been watching Quill18. He has some really long series on his channel (100+ episodes) and he really vocalizes everything he is thinking as he plays. I just randomly stumbled on his channel and EU4 videos.

I started by watching his Art of Sweden series. I was lost for the first few episodes but things started to make sense after a while.


Registered Hutt
Portugal and England are basically ezmode countries. England has the french hurdle to get over, that is, they need to lose their continental holdings, but once they succeed in getting their shit pushed in by France, their godmode is inevitable. Just seriously stay off the continent. Your manpower is better spent fucking indians, in the west and the east.

Portugal is both the easiest country and outperforms history as either the player or the AI, by a significant margin.

My favorite country recently has been Venice. Their potential to wreck shit in the mediterranean is just awesome.

I don't encourage playing as native americans, africans, or most east asians, though japanese daimyos and manchurian hordes can be cool. The game is very much designed around european expansion, not the resistance against it.


<Bronze Donator>
I've liked the Turks the most. Once you deal with the Mamluks, you've got no one nearby to check your expansion as long as you leave a couple weaker states in between you and Austria. Or, what will likely become you and France. But you'll have to deal with them in the late game anyway.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Portugal and England are basically ezmode countries. England has the french hurdle to get over, that is, they need to lose their continental holdings, but once they succeed in getting their shit pushed in by France, their godmode is inevitable. Just seriously stay off the continent. Your manpower is better spent fucking indians, in the west and the east.

Portugal is both the easiest country and outperforms history as either the player or the AI, by a significant margin.

My favorite country recently has been Venice. Their potential to wreck shit in the mediterranean is just awesome.

I don't encourage playing as native americans, africans, or most east asians, though japanese daimyos and manchurian hordes can be cool. The game is very much designed around european expansion, not the resistance against it.
Ruling the world as Byzantium after the miserable beginning is very satisfying, also I find south east countries fun, Malacca and all the others around. You can even succeed as an African nation. For Incas and countries there (not speaking of north tribes, I am not fond of playing them), it is luck of the draw. And as I play only in ironmode...
In fact, I find Europeans nations boring


Golden Knight of the Realm
I've been watching this Burgundy to Netherlands series by Quill. It's quite entertaining.
Quill is a good EU 4 let's player, the other two I really enjoy are DDRJake and Arumba. They're both mainly concentrated on EU 4, DDRJake is pretty good at finding ways to exploit the game, he had one game where he had 11 idea groups or something, when the normal max is 8. Either way, both are good if you're looking for more content after you finish up with Quill.


Molten Core Raider
I've been watching this Burgundy to Netherlands series by Quill. It's quite entertaining.
Just played a Burgundy into Netherlands game myself, to get the achievement needed.
It's quite challenging being stuck between France and Austria, but holy shit was I rolling in money. Never had that much money in any other game.


Potato del Grande
I'm playing as Timbuktu at the moment, almost done conquering everybody around me. Mali has 4 or 5 provinces left, Air has 5-8, Yao has 5-8 but tons of rebel issues atm and a few small fries with 1-3 a piece. Next I guess I gotta work my way into a colonist idea group so I can either start expanding south and taking all of those regions or just moving straight north into morocco/tunis/etc.

First game I played was as the Bamahnis and I took over most of Asia before the game ended. Russia couldn't stand up to me, I think I finished the game with like 600k manpower and 325 forcelimit or so along with 200k gold and a rediculous income.


Molten Core Raider
Arumba, imo, has the best "newbie" let's play videos. If you're wanting starting tips and tricks, I suggest watching his stuff. DDRJake, comparatively, is probably the best EU4 player in the world, and his videos are a lot more complex to understand. So stick with Arumba's stuff until you're feeling confident, then watch DDRJakes stuff. For me, I'm still trying to watch DDRJake's latest Ryukyu world conquest, which is the hardest achievement in game (his let's play is over 100 hours long)

Mountain Man_sl

I tried out colonizing my first game as Ottomans, only to discover my colonization range was nowhere near big enough to actually colonize anything. Do some nations naturally get a larger colonize range? As the Ottomans at least, it seems like you would never actually get your colonize range big enough to colonize anything.


Silver Baron of the Realm
I tried out colonizing my first game as Ottomans, only to discover my colonization range was nowhere near big enough to actually colonize anything. Do some nations naturally get a larger colonize range? As the Ottomans at least, it seems like you would never actually get your colonize range big enough to colonize anything.
The early colonization game depends on easy access to nearby uncolonized lands so pretty much any nation that is close to North Africa/Atlantic will have first dibs for a very long time. For everyone else if you want colonies its easier to just steal them from Portugal and Spain via war.


Molten Core Raider
I tried out colonizing my first game as Ottomans, only to discover my colonization range was nowhere near big enough to actually colonize anything. Do some nations naturally get a larger colonize range? As the Ottomans at least, it seems like you would never actually get your colonize range big enough to colonize anything.
For the Americas, you basically need to be Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland, England, or Norway to colonize early. This is because those nations are closest to the Americas geographically - Spain/Portugal via Western African Islands, while Ireland, England, Norway because of proximity to Bermuda/Greenland. Other nations in Europe can also colonize, but it takes a much higher diplomatic tech level to get the range necessary.

For the Ottomans, they are too far away to colonize early - unless you vassalize/union with Granada. Then you can rival Spain/Portugal in colonization. However, the Ottomans are in a position where they don't really need to colonize; instead they can war and take land on multiple fronts - The Balkans to push into Western Europe, Middle East to push into Africa, East into the Caspian Sea area into Persian lands, and North East into Georgian/Russian lands. Just rotate between each sphere of influence to keep your aggressive expansion low to prevent coalitions

Mountain Man_sl

I'm playing on easy for my first game and it does seem too easy to just take whatever I want with zero repercussions. I'm going to continue to play this game for a while longer to learn all the mechanics then start a game on normal.

A random question: does a game end when you hit 1883 or whatever?