No, lol, that's uncanny though.Mist this you
WTS 79M SP allround Combat pilot, spec Gallente, Carrier lv5, Exploration
WTS April Shi 79m SP (8.2m is unallocated) Wallet: positive Security Status: 4.7 Remap: ready +1 bonus remap (now max Perception + Willpower) Localization: Jita Allround Combat pilot: specialize in Gallente subcap + Carrier lvl5, maxed out Explorer, T3) Starting bid
Infinitely easier to stop cheating on PS3.Yea conceptually Dust was super sweet
I have absolutely no idea why or how they ended up with PS3 exclusivity? Like holy shit how was there not one person involved in that process said stopped and said 'hey maybe making a console only FPS tied to a PC only title is an awful idea'
Infinitely easier to stop cheating on PS3.