"Earlier today an alliance in the N3 coalition missed a bill payment for the system where Pandemic Legion is staging and storing their fleets," writes EVE. "This missed bill caused sovereignty to drop across the system leaving the station vulnerable to capture. Seizing the opportunity, the CFC (Goonswarm Federation, Razor Alliance, Black Legion and the Initiative) and Russian Coalition (Solar Fleet, Darkness of Despair and Against ALL Authorities) captured the station."
You might remember that CFC got its collective ass handed to it back on Jan. 18, when it decided to tangle with Pandemic Legion's "Wrecking Ball" fleet down yonder in System HED-GP. N3/Pandemic sent aforesaid Wrecking Ball into B-R5RB to retake the station, although at a smaller strength. CFC brought in "a large contingent of Dominixes, Dreadnaughts and Titans," and decided it was time to play the Feud!"
TLDR: "Someone asked me to narrate what is going on. Basically everyone is out here fucking each other with giant space cocks at 1 frame per second because we hate ourselves. And that's pretty much Eve Online."
I'm hearing 94 Titans destroyed = $192,300?