EVE Online


Blackwing Lair Raider
RhoA or anyhone else wanna fill em in that's been going on in Even lately? From a very casual observer all I see is a lot of drama?

I'm either gonna give it one last try or just get rid of all my stuff. I'm 50/50 on either atm. but I doubt ill go back to my old guild who at now in test regardless...


Lord Nagafen Raider
Honestly, not too much.

Most of the action is going down in the South right now where NC/PL are hitting Provibloc as well as Legacy Coalition. Triumvirate seems to still be fighting the good fight against their former DRF allies, but with the loss of two of their major FCs, who knows how long that will last. GOTG was hitting DRF for a while but that petered out super fast, so I imagine Sort Dragon got some sort of deal from the DRF and retreated. GSF is still getting fat in Delve from what I can tell. Lowsec is fucking dead. Snuffed Out is part of the Imperium now and Shadow Cartel suffered some major loss of interest.

Honestly, Fozziesov sucks and citadels fucking suck worse. I've lost a lot of interest in EVE as a whole and I only log on here and there and have found myself catching up on my backlog more than anything.

Can I has your stuff?
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Doer of Things
Finally said fuck it and quit for good. Waffles joined PL in October (or maybe September I can't remember) since Low-Sec died, which to be honest killed EVE for me. I enjoyed the 50v50 or so fights you could get but the game has just completely moved away from that. That + some fun RL stuff happening means I no longer enjoy throwing my life away for space pixels.

I'd been fucking around yolo-ing my Revenant throughout Providence from June to November which was the only thing keeping me playing occasionally. I finally got successfully baited (wasnt the first bait attempt...just the first done well) and kicked the bucket, poor thing died with 99 Killmarks on it.

I've always considered the "EVE is dying" people to be a bit dramatic, but I think it's actually there now. Lowsec is a barren wasteland, and the nullsec meta is blobby as fuck and littered with tidi grindfests that simply aren't enjoyable. My characters will stay in Waffles until I get hit with that activity purge. It was fun while it lasted, and no RhoA, you can't have my stuff.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
If you read the minutes from the CSM summit released last week it's pretty clear CCP has no direction at all. Rudderless it appears. Final straw was they can't really be "quick" to make changes to ships they broke because people have spent thousands of dollars buying them and injecting skills for them. Didn't mention the not breaking stuff at all.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's a sad state affairs i'm gladi got out. Although look at how long it took them to balance the Ishtar... Well over 2 years of Ishtars everywhere and every new player being told to train into Ishtar asap.

Never thought i would say that 2-3 yrs ago


Golden Baronet of the Realm
As usual, hearing about the story is far more interesting than playing.
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Doer of Things
It's a sad state affairs i'm gladi got out. Although look at how long it took them to balance the Ishtar... Well over 2 years of Ishtars everywhere and every new player being told to train into Ishtar asap.

Never thought i would say that 2-3 yrs ago

You may have missed them "rebalancing" T3 Cruisers this past summer then...

I really do miss AHAC fleets and the platform as it was in general. They really managed to fuck up some of the more fun aspects of the game over the past two years.

It wasn't all bad though, I did like the fighter changes for the type of Supercarrier/Carrier gameplay I found myself doing (solo/small gang drops). But as is par for the course with CCP, they implemented this fun change so poorly that now when you flood a grid with fighters the damn node shits itself.


Lord Nagafen Raider
As usual, I went from reading about it to getting the itch to play to re-subbing. Now I just have to figure out if I actually want to get off my ass and find a corp or I'm just going to let the account lapse.


Trakanon Raider

Eve Fanfest is over, Into The Abyss is the next expansion where you use special modules to
find your way into Abyssal Deadspace where you can find triglavian ships, modules and mutaplasmids which
can be used to alter your module stats for better or worse. You leave the same way you entered and since the
deadspace itself gives a suspect timer and folks can find your entrance point, it will make you an enticing target.

There will an improvement on PI which will be less click intensive and for eve's anniversary expect to get a free SOCT battleship
as long as you have subscribed in enough time before the anniversary [around a week].

On June 6th outposts and npc conquerable stations being replaced with faction citadels.
POS cyno jammers and jump bridges are being replaced some time afterwards apparently in winter.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I gotta admit, the total lack of coordination in most games of Overwatch makes me pine for the insane coordination, obsession, and precision of eve players.

If i only had a few dozen of the guys i played with back in Black Legion to play that game with... I'm 100% sure to a very high level it would not matter if half of them could hardly shoot straight.

It is sort of hilarious looking at my vids of OWfights. Then Listening to some old vids of BL fights and realizing i sound very much like an Elo Knight wannabe in some matches.
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Trakanon Raider
If i only had a few dozen of the guys i played with back in Black Legion to play that game with... I'm 100% sure to a very high level it would not matter if half of them could hardly shoot straight.

It is sort of hilarious looking at my vids of OWfights. Then Listening to some old vids of BL fights and realizing i sound very much like an Elo Knight wannabe in some matches.

Black Legion is back [along with Elo Knight in Origin.] btw, Muninn's are powerful now. They are busy fighting Pandemic Horde in Geminate.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Black Legion is back [along with Elo Knight in Origin.] btw, Muninn's are powerful now. They are busy fighting Pandemic Horde in Geminate.

I'm aware elo occasionally gets whomever has it to log in and give him the origin. and Black Legion alliance control. But I was there the moment BL died, about 7pm or so late august 2015 RIP. Was def one of my favorite gaming experiences of my life while it existed.. Even well before that Elo had changed, he became bitter and hardly seemed himself when he decided to even log on, What is dead can never die i suppose, but i have no doubt you will never resurrect BL.

Capri sent a corp msg saying for all corp supers to get online asap. I knew on some level what was happening, so i logged on got the story, actually it was still sorta happening at the point, and we emergency evacced the Alliance from our sov to low sec. Elo actually came on a few days later. But his speech was surreal, everyone knew it was over and so it was we went our separate ways. In a way it's not his fault. Massive changes to the game had basically taken away the way we preferred to play the game.

Even if I wanted to i don't have any Eve accounts anymore and it would take me years of training to get back. Too much changed.. The Jump Nerf, The awful interceptor sov. The way i got all my isk in the game originally is no longer even legal according to ccp.


Trakanon Raider
Even if I wanted to i don't have any Eve accounts anymore and it would take me years of training to get back. Too much changed.. The Jump Nerf, The awful interceptor sov. The way i got all my isk in the game originally is no longer even legal according to ccp.

You seem to be unaware of recent changes, jump fatigue has been nerfed, there is no-more interceptor sov [they cannot fit entosis anymore] and skill injectors exist to get skills back. Gambling in ALL MMO's is considered verboten now, it is not unique to Eve. Did you sell your accounts?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
You can go from new character to carrier pilot with enough injectors in 10 minutes lol. Not saying it's a great idea, but I'm sure someone has done it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Out of curiousity, what do skill injectors cost on the market?

*edit - looks like Jita is just over a 1B for one. Damn.