Triggered Happy
- 2,509
- 3,939
A number of players go to the fan fest in Iceland for CCP stuff/telks etc.. and to be around their corp mates doing whatever. Same goes for Eve Vegas.
Yeah that was where he went to iceland.
A number of players go to the fan fest in Iceland for CCP stuff/telks etc.. and to be around their corp mates doing whatever. Same goes for Eve Vegas.
Popped in to laugh, the local change is something you try to force when the game is popular not on the decline. Ded game and they are killing it faster.
New structures on test. Guessing new structures to be built to bring back or replace local. Grrr.
Cool your jets reddit hivemind, these are placeholders that were made before we even released Citadels. Nothing new in the slightest here.
I havn't played in years, couldnt get fully into it, but I check in out of curiosity from time to time. Can you explain what happened here a bit more? Why a reddit would close over it? What exactly this did to carebear things up, because I thought there was some kind of scanning or other methods to hunt down plebs ratting and such.Blackout ineffect. People went full retard. Zkillboard is now just a black page. r/eve is shut down. Full blackout. Numbnuts.