You should make a 2nd account right away and at very least train some basic skills with a char there. E.g. combat skills if you want to run missions while you mine with your other char or the core 14 skills to be ready for anything.
Then when you feel you are ready you can Omega it.
Heck make a third, e.g. training mining skills.
Keeping the queue going may be a bit of a hassle, due to the Alpha limits of only loging in one char and only being able to queue 24h in advance, but maybe the app can be of help there.
The Russian and Chinese bots will keep this game alive long after we’ve all plugged into the MatrixWait, EVE is still alive?
Decade??I always felt Capitals, regardless of their roll, were a bad idea, poorly implemented, and badly balanced throughout the decade I played Eve.
It keeps the game fun & interesting.Anytime Ive ever played Eve Online or Echoes (recently) - Ive never thought that the devs had any idea how to balance shit. Neuter shit one day, make an entirely new way to fk people the next day, wait three months to introduce the counter play. Shit gets old real fast.
Anytime Ive ever played Eve Online or Echoes (recently) - Ive never thought that the devs had any idea how to balance shit. Neuter shit one day, make an entirely new way to fk people the next day, wait three months to introduce the counter play. Shit gets old real fast.
This is where a pantheon meme might be appropriate: Rise of the Fallen, anyone?Goons down to 1 constellation in Delve now.
This is where a pantheon meme might be appropriate: Rise of the Fallen, anyone?
I need context for these statements.Not Eve echos but...The rorq inflated mining so large with the amounts mined that now they had to scale back (nerf) mining all together a few years later lol and now the Rorq is going to move to a boost ship only again. Up and down fuels skill injector sales and thus plex. They don't want to balance things.
Goons down to 1 constellation in Delve now.
I need context for these statements.
Currently I'm hanging out in the small South/Southeast corner of Tash Murkon. That picture really does put things in perspective, I should branch out more.