What sort of returns an hour can you expect from something like this?Take a venture, should be easy to replace.
Sounds like a 100% likely way to increase my blood pressure from stress levels due to chance of being wrecked by blackops
Venture is one of, if not the lowest mining ship iirc. I find Mining to be god awful boring, so maybe trying a venture first is the way to go. If you dont mind it, get reestablished with corps and work your way up to the bigger ships that can wipe out entire fields in one trip. Venture isnt going to make you the money you're looking for, but those bigger ships will get you well on your way.What sort of returns an hour can you expect from something like this?
Ideally I'd want to be making at least 250mil per play session, I have a ton of ships all over the place so maybe those new escalations are the way to go? I've tried scanning down anomalies (I have a couple of asteros and the cruiser versions also), a tengu somewhere, dominix etc, but I need some solid cash generation so I can get to the point where I dont care if these ships are crushed.Venture is one of, if not the lowest mining ship iirc. I find Mining to be god awful boring, so maybe trying a venture first is the way to go. If you dont mind it, get reestablished with corps and work your way up to the bigger ships that can wipe out entire fields in one trip. Venture isnt going to make you the money you're looking for, but those bigger ships will get you well on your way.
So, for me to come back and enjoy the game, I would have to spend $1,000.00? That is not how you get players to come back.CCP has totally jumped the shark. Been flirting with it for a while.
Released catch up packages if you've been away for a long time from Eve. $1000 gets you 50m SP. Comes in various sizes.
Guess that means my main with 110mSP I can now RMT it for $2000 right?
Orcas and porpoises got compression for ores.
Good old CCP. 2 barges can outmine what an Orca can compress and it takes freaking forever.. Mining is beyond fucked/fubar now. And it also creates waste. So the mined stuff you are compressing equals the same, but a large percentage of what you compress now gets erased out of the ore available in the system.
Contract me a few billion so I can enjoy myself!I'm not playing anymore and likely never will again. Just curious to see how CCP was going to fix the year long fuckup they worked themselves into it. They doubled down on it lol.
This week "the end" of scarcity. 200% in mining asteroid ore on down the line. Oh but wait. T1 mining modules cause mining waste. Doesn't come out of your mining yield, comes out of the asteroid/moon you are mining. It scales so that T2 modules result in no loss. So for T1 nothing has changed for you personally but the ore where you are mining magically just disappears.
That's a HUGE draw for recruiting new players I'm telling you. Let a nullsec corp recruit new players that will magically reduce their amount of ore to be mined to half. LOL. Can see the recruitment posters now, new players welcome to XYZ corp in nullsec. No mining allowed until you have X SP.
Oh and they nerfed Rorqs and Orcas with Rorqs being part of the core problem to begin with. Jita protest currently but that seems so last decade ago at this point. It's like black Friday sales where the price went up on the item the week before.
Sure thing let me jump right on that. Oh wait lol. All my isk is tied up into stuff waiting for CCP to quit dicking around and get back to their regular ass self. Seriously considering liquidating and just RMT'ing.Contract me a few billion so I can enjoy myself!
Buy me a vargur at least so I can join those incursion fleets and afk for free isk!Sure thing let me jump right on that. Oh wait lol. All my isk is tied up into stuff waiting for CCP to quit dicking around and get back to their regular ass self. Seriously considering liquidating and just RMT'ing.
At least on Sisi server Enurance and Prospect no longer have mining bonuses. No idea what the point of them would be. Ships with lots of high slots on Sisi out mine gas better than the speciality frigates made for them.
Fuck sake, quick login and get me that Vargur before they hit 5 billion iskAnd this is why CCP is doomed. Not only can change physics for flying in space, but basic economics as well.