EVE Online


<Bronze Donator>
nah just eve being eve really.

About my character. basically in less than a month i can have him at titan 4, jump portal gen 4, jdc 4, jfc 4. But even then he won't be able to fit the dd, that would take several more months of training. There's a big difference between a sitter char and being effective flying something, so i'm still not sure i should bother training up anything beyond titan 1 and jump portal gen 1, just so he can sit and doesn't offline any modules. but if i'm going to sink another 5bil isk into the skillbook for the character then I definitely expect it to payout big when i do sell him.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Don't think I could sell a character I spent a lot of time on, especially for ISK but that's just me.

As far as training all over the place like Malakriss said, I've done the same thing. The one character of mine, I wanted to finish all my S/M/L autocannon specs to 5 and marauder5, but when we started talking about the Gallente T3 battlecruiser I actually loaded that toon up in eveboard and sat there thinking of all the blaster and turret skills I'd have to start training. At least that toon has a lot of the Gallente ship skills maxed, but still, that is millions of more skills to train. Not to mention, I'd prob be flying something else or doing something else by the time I trained those anyways.


That's not to say there aren't any true newb corps because there surely are plenty of them always looking for miners or mission runners to tax. But they invariable fall to ganker's alt or whatever if they spam recruitment channels too much or blindly accept applicants. Corp theft is pretty rampant too. In wow you can't lose everything you've worked for over the past few weeks/months in the blink of an eye. In EVE, it's what some of us live to do.
This sums up pretty much why I avoid this game like the plague. The biggest degenerate scum bags tend to flock to it. I deal with people trying to fuck me over in RL enough. I enjoy PvP like anyone else but the game play is boring at best & risk vs reward just isn't worth it. I remember the last time I tried hard to get into it and kept falling asleep traveling around. Pretty visuals but that's all I took away from it.


While I love the fact that losing in Eve has consequences, I think the "lose everything in the blink of an eye" is a bit dramatic. Personal assets are usually pretty safe, with w-space being a bit of an exception. Even then, I keep 98% of my assets in highsec and just pvp ships in w-space so even if I did lose everything there.. it isn't a big deal.

Can you lose your space? Sure. Can you lose assets? Sure. But losing it all doesn't seem likely unless you are a complete moron. The experiences in Eve are what you remember, both the good ones and the bad ones. In 10 years I'm not going to give a fuck about owning 15 cynabals or 20, but the fights where we ran screaming together into the jaws of death and emerged victorious will probably still be good memories for years to come. And those memories don't exist without the possibility of loss, because jumping into a tough situation in an instant respawn shooter and jumping into a tough situation where losing means really losing shit are 2 totally different experiences.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Anyone know if DUST 514 is actually worth playing now that it's in Open Beta?


Yes I play Dust. Its fun. It'll be a great game for the PS4 hardware life cycle IMO. If you played it in early closed beta I'd try it again as a lot of the lag issues/menu speed issues that made it intolerable are largely gone. Iron sites on the assault rifles made the gun play more fun IMO too. The jitter reduction skills actually matter now. There also won't be any more SP resets absent a large exploit in open beta. Assuming the game survives a little while I think CCP will eventually get it to the point it really is competitive with the top tier FPS games. There is supposedly a big content patch next month. Given that the previous patches have actually been somewhat major, it could actually be a big deal but I've gotten past the point of believing in magic beta fix everything patches.

At the very least get your toon made and get it on some passive SP until the game gets more time in the oven.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, once I got past the terrible UI, terrible mouse support outside of the actual FPS game, and the lack of ability to rebind the keys, I actually thought that the Skirmish maps were really fun gameplay wise, and the shooting gameplay was pretty good for a console game.

I wish it was for PC though, there's really no good reason for it not to be, especially since it supports mouse/keyboard natively. If this was out for PC I'd probably play it full time.


I wish it was for PC though, there's really no good reason for it not to be, especially since it supports mouse/keyboard natively. If this was out for PC I'd probably play it full time.
Does CCP have any plans to extend DUST to other platforms?


<Gold Donor>
All we've heard about since day one is "Exclusive for PS3". We'll see if they port it before or after it invariably fades from the limelight.


Yeah, once I got past the terrible UI, terrible mouse support outside of the actual FPS game, and the lack of ability to rebind the keys, I actually thought that the Skirmish maps were really fun gameplay wise, and the shooting gameplay was pretty good for a console game.

I wish it was for PC though, there's really no good reason for it not to be, especially since it supports mouse/keyboard natively. If this was out for PC I'd probably play it full time.
I actually did not know it supported KB/mouse at all. That's nice to know, though I'm still not rushing out to buy a PS3 for it.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
All we've heard about since day one is "Exclusive for PS3". We'll see if they port it before or after it invariably fades from the limelight.
I wouldn't bet on the failing. From what little is there so far, it's a pretty cool start to a game. Massive character/loadout customization for an FPS, EVE's skill progression but with an moderate carrot for actually playing the game (something EVE desperately needed) crazy vehicle customizations, an actual economy that integrates directly with EVE, and the gameplay itself is actually pretty good- both the vehicle and shooting mechanics are in pretty good shape for an early beta product.

It needs content, and refinement, but it honestly seems like a pretty good game. Assuming the graphics scale up on PS4 I could see it being pretty fucking awesome.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Don't play the Ambush mode, that's just team deathmatch, and it's pretty bad. Have fun actually figuring out the UI. Just imagine trying to use EVE's Neocom with a controller and marginal keyboard support with no mouse.
i was a little confused with how the medic role works. it was awkward to switch to the injection looking thing but i never could heal anyone or something. i havent played a fps in awhile so it was fun. i played without a mic for 3-4 games and got a few kills. definitely harder to aim with a ps3 controller haha. do i need to queue up skills like in eve? i had like 5 or 6 skills to choose from but none of them sounded good. guess i have a lot of reading to do.


Nah you don't need to worry about setting up a skill queue. The SP accumulates into a pool and you choose how to spend it. Frustrating as there is a daily SP cap right now. You'll know it when you hit it because you get 50sp a game from that point on.