Potato del Grande
- 19,886
- -10,449
Wow really? I didn't know that, sounds harsh!Because you can attack other members of your corp and kill them, even in hisec, without repercussion.
Wow really? I didn't know that, sounds harsh!Because you can attack other members of your corp and kill them, even in hisec, without repercussion.
This sums up pretty much why I avoid this game like the plague. The biggest degenerate scum bags tend to flock to it. I deal with people trying to fuck me over in RL enough. I enjoy PvP like anyone else but the game play is boring at best & risk vs reward just isn't worth it. I remember the last time I tried hard to get into it and kept falling asleep traveling around. Pretty visuals but that's all I took away from it.That's not to say there aren't any true newb corps because there surely are plenty of them always looking for miners or mission runners to tax. But they invariable fall to ganker's alt or whatever if they spam recruitment channels too much or blindly accept applicants. Corp theft is pretty rampant too. In wow you can't lose everything you've worked for over the past few weeks/months in the blink of an eye. In EVE, it's what some of us live to do.
Does CCP have any plans to extend DUST to other platforms?I wish it was for PC though, there's really no good reason for it not to be, especially since it supports mouse/keyboard natively. If this was out for PC I'd probably play it full time.
I actually did not know it supported KB/mouse at all. That's nice to know, though I'm still not rushing out to buy a PS3 for it.Yeah, once I got past the terrible UI, terrible mouse support outside of the actual FPS game, and the lack of ability to rebind the keys, I actually thought that the Skirmish maps were really fun gameplay wise, and the shooting gameplay was pretty good for a console game.
I wish it was for PC though, there's really no good reason for it not to be, especially since it supports mouse/keyboard natively. If this was out for PC I'd probably play it full time.
I wouldn't bet on the failing. From what little is there so far, it's a pretty cool start to a game. Massive character/loadout customization for an FPS, EVE's skill progression but with an moderate carrot for actually playing the game (something EVE desperately needed) crazy vehicle customizations, an actual economy that integrates directly with EVE, and the gameplay itself is actually pretty good- both the vehicle and shooting mechanics are in pretty good shape for an early beta product.All we've heard about since day one is "Exclusive for PS3". We'll see if they port it before or after it invariably fades from the limelight.