EVE Online


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I know at one time someone in the in game channel FoH was a member of Karma Fleet. I've always been a care bear and lived in a wh a fair amount of the time with a static to null to allow exploration in null.

Anyway in the past I care beared because I didn't have time to devote and at times need to "go" in a hurry. I'm over that now and have a lot of time to play and would need some group to help me transistion to pvp and such.

Possible for that person to get me a heads up to KF since I don't think they are accepting applications right now due to the changes with looking up characters and such?

A lot of times would simply be a quick login to check on skills, which are now at 70m all in subcaps as I had no reason to skill into caps alone in a wh.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Everytime I see a post in this thread (Or it gets bumped) I think something amazingly hilarious and epic is about to happen and it's been two years since the last melt down so time to read...
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
There's an article on Kotaku about the destruction of that wormhole Keepstar that most of everyone thought couldn't be destroyed (never give a challenge to a bunch of EvE players).


Executive summary: They spent a year infiltrating enough spaceship parts in the wormhole system to assemble locally a fleet capable to downing it within the limitations of wormhole travels.
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
So how is this game going along after CCP changed hands. Have there been any major policy shifts for the better or worse?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Until now nothing really changed. They are still doing monthly bigger patches with small fixes in between. Events are also still going on with skins&skill training accelerators as rewards. Biggest problem for CCP right now is the chat/channel system they reworked last year. Its still not really working reliably and they set themselves a deadline until end of january to either finally fix it or revert to the old system. I guess thats taking up most programmer devtime right now. After that they wanted to upgrade to a 64bit client, thats another big potentially very problematic project. Sadly you can see on the EVE-Update site that no big content releases for the game are planned right now (officially at least), client&chat system are important but not really new "playable" content.

And the big ingame problems (rorqual mining & supercaps everywhere) are still there waiting to be solved for the longterm health of the whole game, idk if CCP will be able to solve those problems...
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Thanks for the info. I've always thought from the day capital ships were introduced, that they were a bad idea, with the possible exception of freighters and dreadnaughts (to combat PoS's). Titans were purely TomB's wet dream and were idiotic, at least the expectation that only a handful would ever be built.

How's the player population, is it growing, stagnating, declining? I.e. is the game dying or does it seem to be doing ok?


Living in W-space with a couple guys from these forums (can't even remember who at this point) was one of the highlights of my gaming "career". I've yet to experience anything like it again and I doubt I ever will. Triple boxing expensive-as-fuck ships in intricate PVE content that could have been interrupted by an ass-pounding from other players at any moment made for one hell of an experience. Not to mention the effort that it took just to get the spoils of the efforts into k-space to cash in. I remember almost getting caught on a sales-trip when I had something like 20bil worth of shit in a rickety little transport. It burned me out after several months though and the other parts of the game just couldn't match it, so I quit and sold the isk I made in there and proceeds from selling my characters for $700.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Player pop is stagnating, but numbers are still healthy. I think 2019 will be a deciding year for EVE, if CCP manages to release interesting new content in addition to fixing basic problems then EVE can be healthy for a long time. If they start down the "monetize to the MAX, nothing else matters" road then EVE will decline rapidly...

Population overview:
EVE-Offline :: EVE-Online Status monitor
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I have to admit, that pop monitor shows a healthier game than I was expecting (by Eve's standards).
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Molten Core Raider
Looking to sell my character that I haven't really played at all in the last 12 years or so. No clue how much it's worth but I know I won't ever get back to this with family and shit so no point in keeping it. Let me know if anyone wants the API keys or something like that to see everything it has / can do.



<Gold Donor>
Got an email last week titled No Space Structure = No More War! or some such bs. Are they replacing the war dec system, or just flat out nerfing dec'ing carebear corps?! I had so much fun in a small corp declaring war on larger carebear corps with 0 intention of going after structures. Feels like a bad change, but I havent logged in for probably 5 years.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
It's been changed for a while. If your corp doesn't have a structure like citadel/pos you can't be war decced.

I'm not sure, but I think it's geared towards new players joining a corp and not knowing they would be war decced and such. I'm not sure what keeps a new player from joining a corp that has a citadel and is war dec eligible since citadels are everywhere. One day CCP woke up and decided this was the biggest thing effecting new player retention and quoted numbers of how quickly people dropped off playing when they died to a wardec as a new player. Shortly after they introduced the activity tracker in game that would total points for doing all the various things you can do in game. They don't reward anything, or do anything. CCP said for the first time they could see what people were actually doing in game. I think it's a way for them to prioritize what to concentrate on for MTX. Just me tho. It does nothing for the player other than another crappy UI to look at.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Upcomfing changes. Kind if been titans online as of late. Even titans ratting in some rare circumstances. Lot of streams/videos of single frigate being dropped on by capital group. At the very end the change to the New Player Experience. OMG good one. CCP Falcon did a video and they linked it on the launcher. Looking just like that pic in the dev blog. Reddit went wild with memes of him with that creep "I need an adult" face. I think it's still linked on the launcher.

Oh and last week mass test of 64 bit client coming finally, decade late kind of.

Spring Balance Update Incoming! | EVE Online

Our main focus for spring is capital balance. Capital balance has always been a challenge, swinging from periods where capitals are dominant and oppressive to ones where they don't deliver on the great aspiration and investment they represent. Since the major rework in Citadel, which was meant to put power back in the hands of capital pilots, it's become clear that we over-shot our goals in several areas. Capital have become an all-in-one answer to most of EVE's obstacles.
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Basically what they're saying is what I've known since they were introduced: Capital ships are bad. I'd say possibly with two exceptions: Dreads - if they are ONLY viable for anti-structure combat (i.e. are shit at hitting moving targets), and Freighters, since they're good for moving loads of shit around. I'd possibly say a carrier type craft might be ok if it were possible to limit them to 1 per fleet, where they give good bonuses to the fleet but would also be juicy targets. Motherships, Titans and Industrials just fuck everything up.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Even MS&Titans are kinda ok if there would be no FAX (capital remote repair ships). Without those a lot more caps would die and large battles would be a real slaughter were even the losing side could kill stuff for a time. They should just remove the FAX ships class (will not happen sadly). The other big problem are Rorquals (cap mining ship), originally more of a booster ship for the fleet, it got buffed so much that it is the best mining ship hands down, nothing comes even close (1 Rorq > 4 people mining in the next best mining ship). They should nerf the Rorq even harder than the will be in the upcoming patch but it is a good start. Its just too easy to get resources right now (ISK/minerals)...

This balance patch is a great start and good for the game (hopefully CCP will not break something and make it even worse, happened before ;) )
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Really got a craving for spaceship pew pew anything right now, so giving this another shot, had an account since 2005, but hardly ever played. At some point I got a few million points auto assigned to industry skills for some reason, would it be worthwhile to switch those all to combat skills with injectors? I'm assuming stats still affect skill training time, so likely a good idea to get the best implants I can afford while ratting high/low sec still? I'm sitting around 10M SP, I know just a drop in the bucket, but I don't mind hitting the wallet a bit to boost a bit. Still have a couple Billion isk too, so lots of room for a noob like me to play around and make mistakes for awhile.

Weird how my Hurricane was in one station, all the mods for it were 8 jumps away, and all my ammo and drones were in another location 4 jumps away, I have no explanation for that. My drunk self is really a dick sometimes.

This game really aged well visually.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
The only thing that impacts training time is your attributes and you can raise those with implants, or change them around with a attribute remap. No more learning skills. If you had those before you should have some un allocated SP from when they refunded them. If you do you can assign them to anything.

Having 10m SP it will be worthwhile to use injectors if you have the isk to puchase them. The further you get along the fewer SP you get out of each injector.

If you use plex to raise isk right now is a pretty good time. Last week Jita got low on plex on the market and prices have skyrocketed as they have been lately but really took off even more.

Abyss space looks pretty good. Go with a cheap ship and no implants at first to try it out. You don't finish in 20 minutes you lose your ship, and your pod. It's part of the triglavian race that was officially announced today and the triglaian ships that have been in a while. The weapons ramp up damage the longer you go the more damage they do. They also announced some more triglavian ships today with a few sketches. Eventually a whole new ship line, now just frigates, destroyers, cruiser, logi, battlecruiser and battleship.

Dunno if you played since citadels were introduced. That's one of the biggest changes.
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