Everquest - Agnarr Server: Sunset Mode


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I feel so stupid. I'm going to sub and play. I already regret it. Is this what being an alcoholic feels like? You go ten years without drinking and then suddenly decide to suicide by alcohol.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah I bought out all the merchants that newbs sold to. And then I bought some more from other newbs that hadn't sold them to merchants. Some guy came in right after I cleaned house looking to buy them and I gave him the sad news. He got mad and started offering 1pp + SoW for them and told all the newbs to never sell them to merchants or to me, even if he wasn't online, he'd come back 3x a day to buy them for 1pp each lol. I was just trolling and said I was accosted by dark elves and lost my honey farm and am just trying to get my bee business back up.

They are just a pain in the ass. You need 2 per Stein quest and they don't drop often from bixies. Which is why getting them from newbs leveling is the best way. And luckily not all newbs know to save them to sell to players for more and more pp and sell them to merchants. Merchants sell them back for 1gp, chaching $$$. I now have enough for 23 Steins. As an Erudite I can do a Stein in 15mins with SoW. Will be doing them later.

This guy right here is a young doctor.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I feel so stupid. I'm going to sub and play. I already regret it. Is this what being an alcoholic feels like? You go ten years without drinking and then suddenly decide to suicide by alcohol.

You'll be fine, don't be a pussy. Bottoms up nerds lol

Seriously though, moderation my man, 12 weeks per expansion is a long fucking time. Don't feel pressured into playing like these neckbeard, they only do it to beat other neckbeards. A month from now everyone is going to be making up excuses to "call in sick" to get out of doing sky.


Trakanon Raider
yeah I'll be needing some eventually but I don't plan on stopping my leveling spree to do the stein quest anytime soon so who knows when

I'm just trying to relax for now. If I let myself fall behind a bit it's easier for me to not go too crazy and get burnt out. Will try to make use of double exp over the weekend for sure though. Don't plan on grinding to 50, but if I get to the more fun levels of the 30's I'll be pleased. Enchanters don't really get super fun imo until the 30's after Clarity, bigger mana pool, 2nd Charm and more utility. I find it super boring all the way into the mid twenties (although that is the case for most classes. 1-20 sucks dick)

Depends on the expansion.

Classic and Kunark there is plenty of stuff to charm on raids that do more DPS than anyone else in your raid. Enchanters are broken early on.

Yeah Enchanter really suffers in raids. So if you care a lot about that, you might not want to roll an ENC as your main. What really makes people enjoy Enchanters is group dominance and the amazing/creative/powerful things you can do with a good group backing your charmed pet up. I remember inventing charming Askr the Lost in BoT to do the BoT lords very very early on into PoP. God that was fun.

This guy right here is a young doctor.

I don't get it.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I feel so stupid. I'm going to sub and play. I already regret it. Is this what being an alcoholic feels like? You go ten years without drinking and then suddenly decide to suicide by alcohol.

Now Starring DickTrickle in... "Leaving Felwithe"
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Well I just learned a valuable $20 lesson. Just because you can buy a full set of appearance armor and weapons, doesn't mean you should. Maybe it was the edibles or lack of sleep but I looked cool as hell in that preview window, but once I put everything on in game I looked like a gay crossdressing Brazilian hooker.
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The Big Mod
what's the deal with me being able to equip large size armor as a dark elf except it shows up as yellow highlighted in my inventory?


<Bronze Donator>
I would hold out on buying a stein, they will drop fast. I think I picked up some for 200p each after a couple of weeks, everyones churning them out, same with crude steins from ogre guards.

highlighted yellow armor means youre not able to wear it so u arent getting the stats


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yellow items are not giving stats. They are sorta kinda extra inventory space.

The reason is the FTP live game disables a lot of top raid gear and augs, so they added this as a way of disabling premium gear, and I believe kept it for race restrictions to smooth over race changes.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Morrow said:
I don't get it.

I was basically saying you're gonna be rich as fuck from those honeycombs. It's from P99.



Trakanon Raider
This guy right here is a young doctor.
I would hold out on buying a stein, they will drop fast. I think I picked up some for 200p each after a couple of weeks, everyones churning them out, same with crude steins from ogre guards.

highlighted yellow armor means youre not able to wear it so u arent getting the stats

200pp after a couple weeks? I'd love to consistently sell them for 200pp after a couple weeks. Last round I could only ever get 125/150 after like 7 days. They never go higher than 200 unless the seller is a retard.


The Big Mod
anyone who's playing send a /tell to Kegkilla and I'll add you to my guild. doesn't have to be permanent but will be easy to stay in touch and group up


<Bronze Donator>
I feel so stupid. I'm going to sub and play. I already regret it. Is this what being an alcoholic feels like? You go ten years without drinking and then suddenly decide to suicide by alcohol.

I had a moment where I was taking a piss and I was still in my, "What will I play crisis?", and I just thought about how stupid it was and shook my head. Luckily, the QoL changes make this version of EQ much less of a "waste of life".
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Trakanon Raider
I had a moment where I was taking a piss and I was still in my, "What will I play crisis?", and I just thought about how stupid it was and shook my head. Luckily, the QoL changes make this version of EQ much less of a "waste of life".

You ever tried playing for its own sake? Like really playing for its own sake? I remember when I first started in 1999, I was in no rush to level. It didn't even occur to me that I needed to rush. Of course I looked forward to levels and getting my first Druid ports etc and worked toward it, but I didn't feel this insane pressure or anything. I feel like for 95% of us, that was the most fun we all had, and yet some of us tend to do the opposite even though its not in our best interest. I am guilty of it too. The most fun I've had going back to EQ over the years were times when I just played for fun as a consequence of the situation. EQMac, a few free 10 day trials they had going one time around 2005 on some misc. server where I level'd a Wizard and did a bunch of quests I never did before. If you can find a way to pace yourself and play for its own sake and not worry about being out level'd or being behind or not being with the "in crowd" and the elite people, you will feel much better and have much more fun. It's hard to do, it's like practising spending less time on social media or exercising or going down internet rabbit holes that are a waste of time and don't provide you any fulfillment. But if you can manage it it's awesome.

I'm still trying.
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<Bronze Donator>
Btw, should I be going with a religion choice for classes to get access to the overpowered Idol's in the ranged slot? Or will that be pretty mute? Think I was always agnostic on my RF & Phinny runs.


Phank 2002
If I played EQ when it first started like we play MMO's now, I would have never met the folks I met then and still hang out with and have BBQs with.

It took me a few months to hit lvl 15 originally, playing in 14 minute intervals (aol connection would time out each 15 minutes) and I could not get much leveling done as a cleric.

It let me explore everything in the old world pretty much, had a bunch of fun.


Lord Nagafen Raider
any links to class skills/spells from this era of the game? (relevant to this server)
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Exp boost weekend is nice, but I feel sorry for some of the poopsockers, lol - grind your asses off since launch, and we'll just catch up over the weekend with half the effort.