I didn't even know ShowEQ was a fucking thing back then, and most people I knew probably didn't either. That's just the thinnest veneer of cheating too, more active hacking is even more disruptive to PVP, and it's obvious Daybreak is not willing to police that stuff.
What's the point in pissing on the only PvP player in this thread who has consistently defended your position about not opening a new PvP server in the future?
I'd put weight behind what a reasonable guy like Elidroth says vs an EQ PVP autist any day of the week. You're literally on crack cocaine if you think EQ PVP once received tons of resources, but it was clear by like, GoD and later era almost that entire player base had moved on, it'd be terrible business to invest dev hours into something no one would ever care about or spend money on.
xp loss on death was classic (sullon). working as intended. And why are we discussing this in two threads
I'd put weight behind what a reasonable guy like Elidroth says vs an EQ PVP autist any day of the week. You're literally on crack cocaine if you think EQ PVP once received tons of resources, but it was clear by like, GoD and later era almost that entire player base had moved on, it'd be terrible business to invest dev hours into something no one would ever care about or spend money on.
This just isn't accurate. PvP was never a priority, but for quite a while there was the occasional PvP update/overhaul. Until 2006, at minimum. If I wasn't so lazy, I would look up the patch notes to nail down the year.
And the entire player base definitely had not moved on by GoD. Zek had several large raid guilds (and tons of smaller, active family guilds) for a good long time. The Euro guild on Zek was consistently the top guild post-merge, and they were the first of the raid guilds to fold due to lack of numbers (due to limited recruits in their playtime), but that didn't happen until just before the release of TSS (they went to Antonius). There were still five other raid guilds at that point, and the process of those guilds merging and dying took years to finish.
Of course, it has been quite a while since active updates were given to PvP, so the kind of updates that would have helped (DoT timers on PvP Harm Touch, et cetera) are well out of the bag now and it is only reasonable to accept that developers shouldn't be asked to catch up on them, nor should they be launching new PvP servers or otherwise dedicating significant resources to a ruleset which was imperfect to begin with and is now thoroughly moribund.
Ultimately, however, the constant antagonism of blue players toward red players, including making stuff up like the notion that PvP was dead in EQ by GoD, is just silly. Most red players are scum, no doubt, but how are you any better if you pretend to know better than them about stuff you didn't participate in? Or constantly piss on their right to even participate in the game? Or call them names ('autist') that would get you punched or at least ostracized in adult company in real life?
It's not rocket science. Shut down the server if you don't want it. If you want to keep it and keep the handful of players on it, table the handful of low-resource solutions you might give those players, choose the least terrible one, and move on.
There was only like 2 or 3 that I didn't include and as you can see only 6 that I added that they would not answer.
105. Minor issue but could we get an option to hide our own character's name in 3rd person?
Jonathan: “/showname off” Though, if you’re looking for a way to see other’s names but not your own, I don’t know that this is currently possible.
Alan: Interesting. I never thought about that. Obviously not a top priority, but we can talk about it, maybe get it on the list (that ever-growing list of things we'd like to do).
Which ones didn't get included?There was only like 2 or 3 that I didn't include and as you can see only 6 that I added that they would not answer.
I don't remember but I think it was a single one from a_skeleton_02 or maybe I just cut a portion out of it.Which ones didn't get included?